
PETRA'S 1983 to 1988


Not of this World 1983 Lyrics
Not of this World
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 2 Peter 2:11, John 15:18-19,
John 16:33, Matthew 16:18, John 14:3
We are pilgrims in a strange land
We are so far from our homeland
With each passing day it seems so clear
This world will never want us here
We're not welcome in this world of wrong
We are foreigners who don't belong
We are strangers, we are aliens
We are not of this world
We are envoys, we must tarry
With this message we must carry
There's so much to do before we leave
With so many more who may believe
Our mission here can never fail
And the gates of hell will not prevail
Jesus told us men would hate us
But we must be of good cheer
He has overcome this world of darkness
And soon we will depart from here
Bema Seat
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 14:10, 1 Corinthians 3:12-15
Romans 14:10, 1 Corinthians 3:12-15
When our labor all retire
There will be a trial by fire
Will your treasure pass the test
Or will it burn up with the rest
You may build upon a sure foundation
With your building in dilapidation
When it all comes down to rubble
Will it be wood, hay, or stubble
Or precious stones, gold and silver-
Are you really sure?
And we all will stand at the Bema Seat
All will be revealed - it will be complete
Will there be reward in the fiery heat
When we see our lives at the Bema Seat
Every talent will be sure counted
Every word will have to be accounted
Not a story will be left untold
We will stand watch the truth unfold
Every score - will be evened - nothing to defend
Every building will be shaken
Every motive will be tried
He'll give reward to the faithful
Will you receive or be denied?
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Hebrews 9:27, John 4:14,
1 Peter 1:24, Romans 8:11,
1 Corinthians 15:26, 51-55, Revelation 7:17
There's a step that we all take alone
An appointment we have with the great unknown
Like a vapor this life is just waiting to pass
Like the flowers that fade, like the withering grass
But life seems so long and death so complete
And the grave an impossible potion to cheat
But there's One who has been there and still lives to tell
There is One who has been through both heaven and hell
And the grave will come up empty-handed the day
Jesus will come and steal us away
Where is the sting, tell me where is the bite
When the grave robber comes like a thief in the night
Where is the victory, where is the prize
When the grave robber comes
And death finally dies
Many still mourn and many still weep
For those that the love who have fallen asleep
But we have this hope though our hearts may still ache
Just one shout from above and they all will awake
And in the reunion of joy we will see
Death will be swallowed in sweet victory
When the last enemy is done from the dust will come a song
Those asleep will be awakened - not a one will be forsakened
He shall wipe away our tears - He will steal away our fears
There will be no sad tomorrow - there will be no pain and sorrow
Blinded Eyes
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 15:14,
1 Corinthians 4:3-6, Ephesians 4:18
Don't know where you're going but you think you know the way
20-20 vision but you can't see the light of day
Road is wide or narrow but you can't tell which is which
Blind will follow blind and you'll both end up in the ditch
Can't you see you can't see? Don't you know - you don't know?
Blinded eyes can't see the light
When it's glowing in the night right in front of you
Blinded eyes can't see the truth
When it's written on the wall in plain view
Blinded eyes can't see the Son
Or the work that He has done out of love for you
Blinded eyes
Groping in the darkness searching for the missing switch
Come up empty-handed try to scratch the endless itch
There is only one light that can penetrate your mind
Just one look at Jesus could leave their scales behind
Can't you see - you could see? Don't you know - you could know?
Not By Sight
Words by John Slick
Based on 2 Corinthians 6:9,
Romans 5:1-5, Haakkuk 2:3-4,
Galatians 5:16-24, Hebrews 6:11-12
Sometimes we're runnin' along
Blind to where we're goin'
Sometimes we lose our bearings
When the storm is blowin'
We know this shadow land is only temporary
These light afflictions work a great eternal glory
We walk by faith, not by sight
Strengthened by His glorious might
Walk by faith, not by sight
Heading for that land of light
Walk by faith and not by sight
Sometimes we ain't so sure
He sees us when we're kneelin'
Sometimes we forget salvation ain't a feelin'
We know that Jesus died for our justification
We grow in His image by suffering tribulations
Hold fast your confidence
You've got an invitation
To meet Him in the air
at His revelation
Lift Him Up
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on John 12:32, 3:14, Luke 19:2-4
The world is looking for a revelation
We're always under their investigation
They look at us to hear we got to say
They can't see Jesus when we stand in the way
They don't need no more eleveated speeches
We're keeping Jesus just beyond their reaches
Can't see the forest for all of the trees
They won't see Jesus till we fall on our knees
Lift Him up higher and higher
Lift Him up set the world on fire
It doesn't take much theology
Just lift Him up so the world can see
Lift Him up tell the gospel story
Lift Him up left them see His glory
It doesn't take any Bible degree
Just lift Him up so the world can see
Sometimes they just can't see beyond the haze
Or find their way through the religious maze
Just like Zaccheus they're trying to see
They got to somehow see beyond you and me
Oh - how the world needs to see him
So they can believe Him
Oh - how can we ever hide Him
As if we had denied Him
Oh - How could He ever draw them
If they never saw Him
Oh - How can they see His glory
Without you and me
Pied Piper
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Timothy 6:5, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15,
2 Timothy 4:3, Romans 16:17
It's not so hard to understand what people see in you
You tell them it's okay to have their cake and eat it too
You traded truth for Godless gain and noone will suspect
You're such a clever counterfeit of all that you reject
Pied piper, playin' the tune they want to hear
Putting a tickle in their ear
Pied piper, wanting them all to follow you
Not know where you lead them too
But all the time you're leading them astray
The sheep just sit there grinning as they listen to your lies
Never knowing when you pull the wool over their eyes
You've got them trained to say "How high?" whenever you say "Jump!"
And those who disagree with you, you always seem to stump
You may not mean to harm a soul you say you're innocent
But when the final tally comes, you made more than you spent
You knew they'd have to pay the price for listening to you
You knew before too long they'd have to pay the Piper too
Words by John Slick
Based on 1 Peter 5:8-11, Mark 13:13,
Revelation 14:12, Isaiah 14:24, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
The enemy surrounds the perimeter
Searching for an op'ning
Sneaking 'round, tryin' to gain some ground
He's laying down a smokescreen
Never full, he prowls about
For someone to devour
Blind with rage, his reign is threatened
By a greater power
Occupy, occupy
Standing firm, lifting high the holy standard
Occupy, occupy
'Till out captain marches in
He'll catch your eye with some cheap disguise
Or innocent distraction
Then he'll infiltrate the ranks
And split you into factions
He never sleeps, but constantly
Is planning some new angle
A soldier must be diligent
To keep from getting tangled
He shall return with the armies of the Lord
The King of Kings, in vengeance wielding His sword
Gotta draw His power - watching for that hour
We are His people and He's our great reward
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Proverbs 14:12, Ephesians 6:6, Galatians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 4:1, Matthew 6:2, 25:23, Colossians 3:23
So many voices telling me which way to go
So many choices come from those who think they know
There's a way that seems right to a man
But it only brings him death
I wanna go the way that leads to life
Till I draw my dying breath
Don't wanna be a manpleaser - I wanna be a Godpleaser
I just want to have the wisdom to discern the two apart
Don't wanna be a manpleaser - I wanna be a Godpleaser
I just want to do the things that please the Father's heart
Some make a sacrifice and never let it show
Some make a point of letting everybody know
Some will live their lives as unto men
And they have their reward
I just wanna do everything I do
With all my heart unto the Lord
I just want my life to glorify His Son
To make my Father proud that I'm His child before I'm done
No need to pat me on the back or stop the shake my hand
I just want to hear my Father say "Well done, well done"
I just want to hear my Father say "Well done"


Beat the System 1984 Lyrics
Beat the System
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 8:37, Mark 10:31, Matthew 10:39
Caught in the undertow being swept downstream
Going against the flow seems like such a dream
Trying to hold your ground when you start to slide
Pressure to compromise comes from every side
Wise up, rise up
You can be more than a conqueror, you will never face defeat
You can dare to win by losing all, you can face the heat - dare to
Beat the System
On the assembly line trying to break the mold
Time to throw the wrench that will stop it cold
Going against the odds being the underdog
Dare to wield the sword that will slice the fog
You can go for it all
You can go for broke
You can turn the tide around
You can aim for the top
And take the lion's share
If you dare to hold your ground
Computer Brains
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Proverbs 23:7, 1 Peter
1:13, Philippians 4:8, 2 Corinthians 10:5
Everything that you do and see, one more event in your memory
Every bit takes another bite without control over wrong or right
You must screen every entry made, the consequences must be weighed
The only way to security is every thought in captivity
Computer brains, put garbage in
Computer brains, get garbage out
Computer brains, programming you
Computer brains, what can you do?
Break out
Are you a user or being used, has your memory been abused?
Take random samples from your mind and analyze what you may find
You can clear all your memory and be transformed when you find the key
Think on the things that will bring you peace, confusing data soon will cease
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 John 1:9, John 15:3
You may see me stumble, you may see might fall
You may see me cornered with my back against the wall
Maybe incognito, maybe out to lunch
Maybe caught red-handed or maybe just a hunch
I'm clean, clean, clean before my Lord
I'm clean, clean, clean before my Lord
Like a spotless lamb, I'm blameless in His sight
With no trace of wrong left to right
I'm clean, clean, clean
Kneeling in the closet begging daily bread
There may be a skeleton hanging overhead
Where are my accusers, nowhere to be found
They all dropped their stones when the Master came around
I've missed the mark I can't deny it
I don't condone or justify it
But I've donen othing that His blood can't wash away
When I take it to the cross and start to pray
It Is Finished
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on John 19:1-30
In the heat of the early morning
On a hill they call the Skull
The roaring of the angry mob had settled to a lull
All eyes were cast upon the man whose hands and feet were bound
They saw him cry in anguish when they heard the hammer pound
They watched the bloody woven thorns with which His head was crowned
They watched the bloody cross of wood be dropped into the ground
The soldiers gambled for His clothes, they watched them win and lose
They saw the sign above His head that said "King of the Jews"
(It is finished) And the sky grew black as the night
(It is finished) And the people scattered in fright
The work had been done, redemption had been won
The war was over without a fight
It is finished
They searched His face for anger, for vengeance in His stare
Instead of eyes that burned with hate a look of love was there
He prayed for their forgiveness and bowed His battered head
And noone knew the meaning of the final words He said
The provision has been made
The foundation has been laid
He paid the ransom due and tore the temple veil in two
And opened up the way for me and you
It is finished
Voice in the Wind
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on John 3:8
Wind may come, wind may go
Where it blows noone knows
Chill the bone, fan the fire
Lead the soul to hearts desire
There's a voice in the wind that calls your name
If you listen you'll never be the same
There's a voice in the wind that points the way
Gently beckons to follow and obey
Spirit comes, spirit goes
Whence it comes noone knows
Giving life, making new
Filling hearts, calling you
God Gave Rock and Roll to You
Words and music by Russ Ballard
God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you
Put it in the soul of everyone.
God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you
Put it in the soul of everyone.
You can learn to dance
Or you can be a square
You can let the music take you anywhere
But where will you be when the music's gone?
You can learn to sing
You can play guitar
You can learn to rock
You can be a star
But where will you be when the music's gone?
If you love the sound
Then don't forget the source
You can turn around,
You can change your course,
'Cause it's never too late to change your mind.
You can love the rock
And let Him free you soul
Or you can let the old man take his toll
It's never too late to change your mind.
The lyrics sung on the album differ from the printed version. I went with what was actually recorded on the album.
Witch Hunt
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Timothy 4:7, Titus 3:9
Everybody look there's a new bandwagon in town
Hop on board and let the wind carry you around
Seems like there's not enough to keep us busy till the Lord comes back
Don Quixote's gotta have another windmill to attack
Another witch hunt looking for evil wherever we can find it
Off on a tangent, hope the Lord won't mind it
Another witch hunt, takin' a break from all our gospel labor
On a crusade but we forgot our saber
There's a new way to spend all our energies
We're up in arms instead of down on our knees
Walkin' over dollars trying to find another dime
Never mind the souls 'cause we really haven't got the time
So send out the dogs and tally ho
Before we sleep tonight we've got miles to go
No one is safe, no stone's left unturned
And we won't stop until somebody gets burned
Bro Bro Bro Bro Bro Bro Brothers
Hollow Eyes
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 25:35-48
Another day in Nigeria the children beg for bread,
The crops failed, the well ran dry
When they lost the watershed
A baby dies, its mother cries, the children gather 'round
They're wondering what the day will bring
Will they be the next one found?
Do you dare to gaze into their hollow eyes, hollow eyes?
Are they staring holes in you with their hollow eyes,
Hollow eyes, hollow eyes?
In the crowded sheds the children lay their heads
To escape the Haitian heat
The hunger pains drive them to the street
Wond'ring if today they'll eat
Some find food in the refuse heap, others find disease
Some find it harder just to live when they can die with ease.
The least of these is hungry.
The least of these is sick.
The least of these needs clothing.
The least of these needs drink.
The least of these knows sorrow.
The least of these knows grief.
The least of these has suffered pain, and Jesus is His name.
(2nd Chorus)
Do you dare to gaze into His hollow eyes, hollow eyes?
Is He staring back at you with His hollow eyes,
Hollow eyes, hollow eyes?
Again, the lyrics to this song are different than what is printed inside the cover, especially in the chorus. I wrote what is actually sung on the album.
Speak to the Sky
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 7:7-8, Psalms 86:7
In a corner with no windows - no apparent way to go
No escape hatch, must be some catch
Must be something you don't know
Look down, look around, all your hopes are sinking deep into the ground
Look up through the night, SOS is gonna make it to the light when you
Speak the sky and wait for the answer
Someone will be there to take your call
Though you may be at the brink of disaster
Speak to the sky and you never will fall
When temptaion will surround you
Enemy is closing fast
Fight insistence with resistance
You can know that it won't last
Look out, look around, cryin' out but noone seems to hear a sound
Look into your heart, help is on the way before you even start to
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Genesis 15:2, Matthew 5:6,
Hebrews 12:29, Psalms 40:2
This thirsting within my soul
Won't cease til I've been made whole
To know you, to walk with you
To please you in all I do
You uphold the righteous and your faithfulness shall endure
Adonai, Master of the earth and sky
You alone are worthy, Adonai
Adonai, let creation testify
Let your majesty be magnified in me
Adonai, you are an endless mystery
Unchanging consuming fire
Lift me up from mud and mire
Set my feet upon your rock, let me dwell in your righteousness
When the storms surround me, speak the word and they will be still
And this thirst and hunger is a longing only you can fill



Back to the Street
1986 Lyrics
Back to the Street
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 28:19, 22:9
It's so easy to lose the burden - Take our eyes off the fields
Settle into apathy and forget what the harvest yields
It's so easy to think we're finished with our labor for awhile
Kick back and let somebody else go the extra mile
Jesus said Go (Go!) into all the world
Make disciples of all men
We gotta Go (Go!) to the highways and compel them to come in
As long as there's a tearful eye that cries alone at night
As long as there's a weary soul ready to end the fight
As long as there's an aching heart that still has strength to beat
We gotta take this message back to the street
We gotta take this message back to the street
It's so easy to stay untangled in everyone else's life
Don't get involved with strangers - don't get involved with strife
It's so easy to save your own life - resting on what you've done
But Jesus would leave the ninety nine to try to save the one
It's not easy to beat the system
It's not easy to face the heat
But somebody's got to take this message
Back to the street
You Are I Am
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Exodus 3:14, John 8:58
From the top of the mountains to the bottom of the sea
From beginning of time through eternity
From burning bush to Gethsemane
From the Red Sea shores to the Galilee
You are I Am, You are I Am
Let the heavens rejoice in you Your majesty
Let the earth hear Your voice in its purity
From the fiery furnace to upper room
From the lions' den to the empty tomb
You have always been - You will always be
Yesterday, today, and through eternity
I will always bow my knee
You will never cease to be I Am
From the breath of life to the Living Word
To the broken heart when good news is heard
Shakin the House
Words by Bob Hartman and John Lawry
Based on 1 Peter 4:17, Hebrews 12:27
There's a rumble in the distance - a trembling in the air
It's uncertain in direction - does it come from here or there
It's approaching by the minute - does it lead you to despair
Feel it shakin your foundation - when you haven't got a prayer
Everything that can be shaken will be shakin' from within
Better have your house in order when the shaking begins
Shakin' the house
Shakin, shakin' the house
You examine your foundation - does it stand on rock or sand
When the smoke clears, does it bring fears - when the houses fall or stand
In the fire of refining - with the flames too high to douse
You remember someone saying it's beginning in the house
But don't fear when it comes near
And you see the raging fire
If you hold fast it will all pass
Till your heart has His desire
King's Ransom
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 20:28
It's such a paradox - it's such a mystery
Why a King would leave His throne to save humanity
They could not have known when they mocked Him in disgrace
They could not have known when they spit upon His face
The Rose of Sharon wore a crown of thorns that day
The carpenter had a nail right through His hand
The Master of the earth became a servant of no worth
And paid a King's ransom for my soul
He paid a King's ransom for my soul
Creator of the earth - Name above all names
Some just stood in unbelief when listening to His claims
They could not have known when they hit Him with their fists
They could not have known when they nailed his feet and wrists
The ransom that He paid was the sacrifice he made
The life of a King in place of me
The shame that He bore for the rich and for the poor
Changed His crown of thorns into glory
Whole World
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Hebrews 1:3, Matthew 20:29, 6:34
Hearts are falling left and right
Children fear this planet's plight
Fatalistic fears abound
And take their toll without a sound
But through the vague uncertainty - comes a bold assurity
This world is under sovereignty - divinely ordered destiny
He holds this world together with the Word of His power
Safe within His hands - til its own appointed hour
He's still got the whole world in His hands - tonight
And only He knows where the sparrow lands - tonight
And nothing in this world can stop His plans - tonight
'Cause He's still got the whole world in His hands
In His hands tonight
Humanistic lies lament
The holocaust is imminent
Doomsday prophets in the news
Predicting who will light the fuse
The fate of His creation isn't subject to a man
The final consummation is according to His plan
He's still got you - He's still got me in His hands tonight
Another Crossroad
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Psalm 119:105, Proverbs 10:30
Another day of indecision - there's a battle in my head
It's not a matter of submission - I'll go where I'm led
But my mind keeps changing every day
I need your peace to point the way
And now I'm at another crossroad
And I don't know which way to go
My steps are ordered and I know I'll find the way
When your Word lights the path and I obey
When your Word lights the path and I obey
Sometimes I feel a hesitation - is it me or is it You
I only need some kind of clue - I just need an indication
It's not hard to miss a turn along the way
I know I've missed some in my day
I don't want to be wrong
I want to do what's right
I know that you can lead me through the maze
When I acknowledge you in all my ways
Run for Cover
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Peter 5:5
You muyst have seen the light somewhere along the way
The flashing warning sign that you would not obey
You ran the roadblock before the danger zone
You cut the lifeline - now you're on your own
Run for cover - better get under authority
Run for cover - better listen to somebody
Like a lone ranger running through the night
With noone to tell you if you're wrong or right
Run for cover
You want to call the shots - you want to take control
You want to throw the dice and gamble with your soul
Taking the liberties that grace will not afford
Is He your Master, can you call Him Lord?
Why do you stand out in the rain
What do you think you have to gain
When you try in your own strength but don't prevail
The arm of flesh will always fail
Fool's Gold
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Corinthians 1:21-25, Revelation 21:18
Some say this life is only foolishness
No waiting pot of gold in the fath that I possess
But the treasures of this life will slowly turn to dust
And this fool will find His gold in the Savior that I trust
Fool's gold - it's waiting in a crown
Fool's gold - in a city coming down
I'll leave the gold I can't afford
For the higher prize I'm pressing toward
I'll preach the foolish cross of Christ
And wait for my reward
Fool's gold
The wisdom of the cross - is easy to receive
But only foolishness - to them that don't believe
They may say that I'm a fool for the cross that I proclaim
But the gold that I must seek won't be found in earthly fame
When the crowns of gold all lay before His feet
Then the worthy Lamb of God is the treasure we will keep
Some may call me foolish - some may call me odd
But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of men
Than a fool in the eyes of God
Altar Ego
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 6:5,16, James 4:6
I can tell by the look on your face
It's another day of fasting
I can tell by the length of the shadow
That your face is casting
And you look both ways before you pray
Just to see who's watching you today
It's just your altar ego - and it's so hard to know
Beneath the piety and hidden vanity begins to show
It's just your altar ego - and you don't even know
And you won't even grow til His Spirit strikes a bow
To your altar ego
You love to seen by men
In all the public places
And you always pick the best of the seats
You've got the social graces
Can you be so proud of respect you've won
When your left hand knows what the irght has done
Turn around and face the One
Who knows your heart
He knows your heart
Thankful Heart
Words by Bob Hartman and Dino Elefante
Based on Ephesians 5:20
I have a thankful heart that You have given me
And it can only come from You
There is no way to begin to tell you how I feel
There are no words to express how you've become so real
Jesus, You've given me so much I can't repay
I have no offering
There is no way to begin to tell you how I feel
There's nothing more I can say, and now way to repay
Your warming touch that melts my heart of stone
Your steadfast love - I'll never be alone
I have a thankful heart that You have given me
And it can only come from You
I have a thankful heart - Words don't come easily
But I am sure you can see my thankful heart
Help me be a man of God
A man who's after Your own heart
Help me show my gratitude
And keep in me a thankful heart



This Means War 1987 Lyrics
This Means War
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 16:20, Isaiah 14:12-15
Son of the morning - highest of all
You had so much going till you took the fall
Had a place in the glory but you wanted it all
Impossible odds but you had the gall
It seemed so unlikely that you would rebel
Such a worthy opponent that you knew so well
But you went down fighting when you heard the bell
Took a third down from heaven when you went to hell
This means war - and the battle's still raging
War - and though both sides are waging
The Victor is sure and the victory secure
But till judgment we all must endure
This means war!
Then came the cross - you thought you had won
You thought you had conquered God's only Son
"So much for Jesus," you said in jest
Then you got a visit from an unwelcome guest
Now it's all over down to the wire
Counting the days to your own lake of fire
But you'll go down fighting for all that you're worth
To try to abolish His image on earth
He Came, He Saw, He Conquered
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Genesis 3:15, Matthew 28:6,
John 20:19, Revelation 6:2
He came alone into the battle
He knew nobody else could face His foe
He left His throne, He left His glory
He knew nobody else could ever go
He called the bluff, He took the challenge
He came into this world to seek and save
No one could know, no one could fathom
The way to win was only through the grave
They laid Him in His tomb
They thought they'd sealed His doom
But He rose
He rose!
He came, He saw, He conquered death and hell
He came, He saw, He is alive and well
He was, He is, and only He forgives
He died, He rose, He lives
He came, He saw, He conquered!
The doors were locked, they heard Him knocking
They were afraid they would be taken, too
Familiar voice said, "Come and follow"
Come and see the things the Lord can do
They went to where He lay
The stone was rolled away
He rose
He rose!
He came into this world
He saw humanity
He heard the SOS
He met the enemy
The enemy was conquered
The enemy was conquered!
Get on Your Knees and Fight Like a Man
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 2 Chronicles 10:4, James 5:16
Out on your own with your own self reliance
You've got noone to watch your back
You find yourself caught with no strong alliance
You've been left open for attack
Over your heard the condition is graver
You've given ground you can't retrieve
The cards are stacked and they're not in your favor
But you've got an ace up your sleeve
Get on your knees and fight like a man
You'll pull down strongholds if you just believe you can
Your enemy will tuck his tail and flee
Get on your knees and fight like a man
Under the gun, you've got no place to hide out
Backed in the corner on your own
This is one storm you are destined to ride out
One way to leave the danger zone
You've got the backbone to fight this tide
You've got the will to survive
You've got the weapon, it's at your side
You've got to learn to confide
I Am Available
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthews 9:37-38, Romans 12:1
I don't have much to offer you, I don't have much to give
There's so much I may never be as long as I may live
I may never be all I want to be although I'll always try
But if you choose me, to use me, there's just one reason why
I am available, I am available
I will go when you say go
I am available, I am available
I will stop when you say no
My whole life was incomplete till I laid it at Your feet
So use me as You will
I am available
I'm not the most dependable - sometimes you can't rely
There's no excuse, there's no defense, there's only one reply
I know that my ability is not Your main concern
It's my availability and willingness to learn
Words by Bob Hartman, John Lawry, and Danny Kingen
Based on 1 Chronicles 15:22,27
Kenaniah of the Levites appointed by the king
To teach the songs of Zion, to lead them as they sing
Your song is not forgotten, we hear it in our souls
Let it burn and burn within us
And fan the sacred coals
Kenaniah, Kenaniah, we will sing your ancient song
Kenaniah, Kenaniah, we will sing it loud and strong
Gathered for the battle, Kenaniah led the way
As the singers closely followed him, they all began to pray
The musicians all assembled, Kenaniah gave the word
Through the raging battle zone, the anthem could be heard
Kenaniah, Kenaniah, we will never let it die
Kenaniah, Kenaniah, we must lift it to the sky
Sing unto Jehovah of His wondrous ways
Sing a song of triumph, sing a victory song
And in the cloud of witnesses, Kenaniah sings along
Kenaniah, Kenaniah, through the ages it will ring
Kenaniah, Kenaniah, to Jehovah we will sing
You Are My Rock
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Psalm 18:1-6, Psalm 31
Moving through the shadows of uncertainty
Clinging to the words You said
Through my loneliness and fear I long to feel You near
But I hear another voice inside my head
But then the darkness is broken into
By inescapable light from You
I'm never standing alone
You are my rock, my fortress, my shield
You are my rock, let Your strength be revealed
My rock, my comfort, my peace
My salvation, my refuge, my God
You are my Rock
Through the desperate night my soul cries out to You
Longing just to hear Your voice
In the quiet solitude, I sense Your magnitude
I feel the strength that makes my heart rejoice
You are the anchor securing me
I'll never drift on the shifting sea
You are the eye of the storm
Through all the loneliness this world can ever bring
I'll take my refuge in the shadow of Your wing
The Water Is Alive
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on John 4:10,13-14, John 7:38
Gazing out across this desert world
There are thirsty souls everywhere you go
Searching for a drink to satisfy
Their thirsty hearts till they overflow
They come up empty when the sun goes down
And they look around and they wonder why
Their grand delusion seems to quickly fade
When their own supply leaves them high and dry
They could be drinking living water til they're satisfied
Whosoever will won't ever be denied
The water is alive, there is no doubt
The water is alive, feel it flowing out
Alive - coming from within
Alive - and I will never thirst again
And now beneath the desert stars tonight
The oasis waits for those who roam
It seems so hard to think there was a time
That I used to call this wasteland home
He lets me drink the living water till I'm satisfied
Whosoever will won't ever be denied
Now and forever it will satisfy your thirsty soul
Now and forever living water makes your spirit whole
You could be drinking living water till you're satisfied
Whosoever will won't ever be denied
Don't Let Your Heart Be Hardened
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Psalm 95:7-8, Hebrews 3:13
Don't let your heart be hardened - don't let your love grow cold
May it always stay so childlike - may it never grow too old
Don't let your heart be hardened - may you always know the cure
Keep it broken before Jesus, keep it thankful, meek, and pure
May it always feel compassion - may it beat as one with God's
May it never be contrary - may it never be at odds
May it always be forgiving - may it never know conceit
May it always be encouraged - may it never know defeat
May your heart be always open - never satisfied with right
May your heat be filled with courage and strengthened with all might
Let His love rain down upon you
Breaking up your fallow ground
Let it lossen all the binding
Till only tenderness is found
Dead Reckoning
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 6:11, Galatians 2:20
It's a new day at last, but you're sinking so fast
If left up to your head, you'd remember the past
But a new day has come and new life has begun
Let the old pass away, reconsider it done
There's got to be a reckoning
When you feel the Spirit beckoning
It's a dead reckoning
Trade the old for the new
It's a dead reckoning
Learn to die daily till the new life comes through
It's a dead reckoning
You've got nothing to lose but you do have to choose
When the Spirit says yes but the flesh wil lrefuse
And although you feel odd there are many who trod
Till they're dead to the world but alive unto God
Some still believe it can't be done
To the steady the race is still won
And the battle is already through
And it's hard to believe but it's true
On a hill long ago where the blood runs below
Died a King, two thieves, and you
All the King's Horses
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Revelation 19:11-21
It's an age-old score that's got to be settled
It's an age-old debt that's got to be paid
When the King breaks through in all of His glory
To claim His throne and the world that He made
The nations wait with their armies gathered
With Jerusalem firmly under their thumbs
There will be no peace in Armageddon valley
Till the trumpet sounds and the cavalry comes
When He arrives He will conquer them all
Take back the ground given after the fall
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Gonna ride down from heaven from where they've been
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Gonna put this world back together again
Gonna put this world back together
On a great white horse the King will come riding
He's the One they call Faithful and True
With His eyes of fire and blood dipped clothing
He had a name nobody else knew
And by His side ride the armies of heaven
Dressed in linen clean and white as the snow
Riding down to earth with a vengeance so holy
For a one-day battle that will trample their foe
And when the dust and the smoke disappears
The King will reign for a thousand years
When the lion lays down with the lamb
There'll be peace in the land of Abraham
They will beat their swords into plows
When every tongue declares and every knee bows



All Fired Up 1988 Lyrics
All Fired Up
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Psalm 104:4, Luke 3:6
When the weight of the world begins to show
When the flames of faith begin to die before I know
Time to be rekindled by the everlasting Source
The all Consuming Fire, illuminating Force
Like a blacksmith bellows aim
He fans the embers to a flame
I'm all fired up - I'm all fired up
There's a flame burning in my soul
And my heart is a burning coal
I'm all fired up - I'm all fired up
Those who wait up on the Lord
Find their strength has been restored
The flames of renewal burn within
I'm all charged up in my spirit again
I'm all fired up - I'm all fired up tonight
I've been told not to let my feelings go
I've been told my emotions never had the right to show
But I have this feeling burning deep within my heart
Won't wait to let this heavenly celebration start
When the Spirit gives me the nod
I'll get excited 'bout the things of God
I feel my faith renewing - I feel revival brewing
All over the world there's a burning desire
I feel the Church is stirring and it's gonna keep occurring
Till we're all baptized in His Holy Fire
Hit You Where You Live
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Timothy 4:12, Ephesians 4:1
You want to change - with all of your might
You want to do right in His sight
It's His delight to give you your desire
It's His desire to set your life on fire
Sometimes it hurts when reprimanded
It hurts Him more than it's hurtin' you
He'll pick you up from where you landed
When He knocks you down, turns your life around
He'll turn your life around
Hit you where you live you can't hold it back
When you're struck by His love you will know
Hit you where you live, it's so close to home
When you're all sold out the mark will show
Let Him hit you where you live
The evidence leads to conviction
When we don't live everything we say
There's got to be a crucifixion
We can live dying everyday
You've got to tell Him He's free to take a shot
He wants to hit you with everything He's got
A lost and dying world is dying to know
He lives
The only way they'll know what He has to give
Is when we're hit where we live
Mine Field
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Proverbs 3:6, 1 Peter 5:8, Matthew 16:24
Smell the burning powder?
There's danger in the air
A voice from deep inside is telling you, 'you must beware'
Then enemy is watching
Every step you take
To find his opportunity in every choice you make
And it's no game
When someone lives without His grace
And who's to blame
When it blows up in their face
It's a mine field - you'd better follow Him through
God knows the way - you'd better stick like glue
It's a mine field - better stay on His heels
'cause the enemy kills and the enemy steals
So keep your head down and keep you eyes peeled
'cause life is...
Life is a mine field
Think the grass is greener?
You'd better look around
Everywhere you look another casualty is found
The enemy is waiting
For you to start to run
Waiting like an itchy finger on a loaded gun
Some may feel
They can wander out too far
They may heal
But they may always wear the scar
Better leave the navigation to the One who knows the Way
He will bring illumination
He will light your path each day
It's a mine field - better watch where you tread
Step off the path and you could end up dead
It's a mine field - better stay on His heels
'cause the enemy kills and the enemy steals
So keep your head down and keep your eyes peeled
'cause life is...
Life is a mine field
First Love
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Revelation 2:9, 1 John 4:19, Song of Solomon 2:4
Sometimes I feel I'm pulled in so many wrong directions
Sometimes I feel the world seducing my affections
It's not that I don't know the way
It's just a heart that's prone to stray
But with my weaknesses admitted
You will keep all that I've committed
So I commit my heart to You
My First Love
First Love - First Love
My soul longs after You
First Love - First Love
I want my heart to stay so true
Because You first loved me
Jesus You will always be
You will always be
My First Love
It's taken me some time to try to comprehend
A love that doesn't change - a love without an end
A love that keeps forgiving
A love of sacrifice and giving
I delight myself in You
My First Love
If I ever lack endurance
I remember Your assurance
That Your only banner over me is love
If my heart begins to waiver
Woo me back, my loving Savior
Woo me back till I return to my First Love
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Colossians 1:13, Ephesians 2:1-7, Isaiah 61:1,2
You used to play their games
You used to stay the same
They used to hold you back
They knew the best attack
They thought they had a better hold on you
They thought that you would always stay true blue
They couldn't stop you - they had no defense
You went under the wire - you went over the fence
Defector - you broke the chains away
Defector - a higher power you obey
Now they have no hold on you - you've broken through
But don't forget to read the signs 'cause
You still live behind - enemy lines
They used to drag you down
They used to have you bound
Just like a ball and chain
But they could not restrain
They thought that you could never break away
They thought that you would always go their way
They had you tied up habitually
They never figured you could ever get free
You got away clean but it don't come free
Another man paid with His on agony for...
Counsel of the Holy
Words and music by John Lawry
Based on Psalm 19:7-11, 33:11, 119:105
There is a light burning in the darkness
A book of Hope
A morning light
Breaking over the mountains
To where the eagle flies
It gives us wings to touch the sky
It is the wisdom of the wise
Counsel of the Holy
The written Word of God
Wisdom cries for all to read
Counsel of the Holy
The greatest book of all
Is the path of victory
A book of wonder
A book of life
A book of promise faithful and true
A book of miracles for all who will believe
A book of wisdom to all who will receive
The counsel of the Holy
The written Word of God
Wisdom cries for all to read
The counsel of the Holy
The greatest book of all
Is the path of civtory
Wisdom cries for all to read
Wisdom cries for all to read
More precious than rubies
More precious than gold
Mighty is the wisdom of the Lord
Somebody's Gonna Praise His Name
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Luke 19:40, Psalm 69:34, 148:9
Somebody's gonna praise His name
Somebody's gonna call Him Lord
It'll either be you and me
Or it's gonna be a rock or tree
Somebody, somewhere is gonna praise His name
Jesus said that it couldn't be stopped
Jesus said that it had to be heard
His creation will praise Him
Jesus said we could be assured
If we all maintain our silence
Even stones will cry out so loud
His creation will praise Him
All alone or in a crowd
In the end every tongue will confess
Every knee will eventually bow
His creation will praise Him
It's so easy to go for it now
And it's gonna be me
It's gonna be me
Somebody's gonna praise Him
And it's gonna be me
Lord I lift my voice to You
And I magnify Your name
You are Alpha and Omega
You are everyday the same
As long as I draw breath my lips will praise You
As long as I have strength I want to praise Your name
Open Book
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Hebrews 4:13, Psalm 37:18
In the evening when I start to pray
I think about this day
Another page is turned forever
Another yesterday
And as the story of my life unfolds
I know You've read it all
Another line to be continued
Will I stand or fall
Open book - to You I am an open book
You know every page by heart
From the ending to the start
Open book - my life is like an open book
As I read between the lines
It's Your love that truly binds this open book
When the cover of this book is closed
The final chapter read
I hope You find it worth the reading
I hope 'well done' is said
Cover to cover
Lord, You know me
And what I want to be
As You read the pages of my heart
Please tell me what You see
Stand in the Gap
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Ezekiel 22:30, 1 Timothy 2:1, James 5:16
There's no feeling
Like when you have a friend in need
Their heart is wounded -
And you can feel your own heart bleed
And you wonder
Will they pull through this attack
You feel so helpless - you want to be fighting back
Don't think it's over - don't pull away
It's time to stand in - it's time to pray
Set the wheels in motion
With your devotion
Stand in the gap
Coming boldly to His throne of grace
Stand in the gap
He will hear you when you seek His face
Put your weapon to its use
And believe it will produce
Stand in the gap
Until all hell...
Until all hell breaks loose
In the conflict
It seems like He doesn't hear
Be encouraged - He still has an open ear
It's not for nothing
It's not in vain
Make your petitions
Call on His name
He will bring assistance
Through your persistance
The enemy is gonna have to fold his hand
When the army of the Lord begins to take command
Nothing in the heavens or the earth can stand
Against the fervent prayer of a righteous man
Homeless Few
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Luke 10:30-37, 1 John 3:17
Where are the amber waves of grain
When one of our homeless native sons has hunger pain
Under the overpass they build a fire for heat
They can't remember when they had a meal to eat
Some sleep in doorways waiting for the day
Some sleep in boxes we have thrown away
Under the red, white and blue
Right down the street in our view
We're not doing all we can do
To shelter the homeless few
Shelter the homeless few
Standing in line for soup and bread
Hoping tonight the downtown mission has a bed
Dreaming about the home they thought they'd never lose
Sleeping on benches covered by the daily news
People who pass them by just turn their heads
Making them feel like they've been left for dead
Under the red, white and blue
Right down the street from our pew
We're not doing all we can do
To shelter the homeless few
Shelter the homeless few
It's up to me
It's up to you
We're not doing all we can do
To shelter the homeless few
Shelter the homeless few




and Maintained
By Scott Stuhlmacher 2003