
PETRA 1989 to


Petra Praise The Rock Cries Out - 1989 Lyrics
I Love the Lord
Words by Bob Hartman
Well I don't care what some may say
Gonna stand up for the Lord today
Well I don't care if they all know
Gonna let the Lord's redeemed say so
Gonna say it loud - gonna say it proud
Hey! I, I love the Lord
I, I love the Lord
Come join the throng - ten million strong
Come lift your voice and sing this victory song
Gotta choose today whom you will serve
Don't try to wait to find the nerve
The lines are drawn - no middle ground
Don't you know you're either lost or found
King of Kings
Words and music by Saphie Conty and Naomi Batya
King of kings and Lord of lords, glory
King of kings and Lord of lords, glory
Jesus, Prince of Peace, glory
Jesus, Prince of Peace, glory
Jesus, Jesus, Glorious One
Words and music by Curtis Peifer
Let all the saintly ones in God rejoice
The battle's won so lift your voice
Declare His Name the glorious King
Lift up the standard of triumph and sing
Crown Him Lord the conqueror of evil
He shed His blood to redeem all His people
And now we join the procession of Him
To hail Him Lord and glorious King
Jesus, Jesus, glorious One
Jesus, Jesus, God's risen Son
Jesus, Jesus, forever we'll sing
Jesus, Jesus, we'll hail you as King
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Words and music by Jamie Owens-Collins
In heavenly Armour we'll enter the land
The battle belongs to the Lord
No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand
The battle belongs to the Lord
We sing glory and honor
Power and strength to the Lord
The power of darkness comes in like a flood
The battle belongs to the Lord
He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood
The battle belongs to the Lord
When your enemy presses in hard do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take courage my friend, your redemption is near
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take Me In
Words and music by Dave Browning
Take me past the outer courts
Into the Holy place
Past the brazen altar
Lord I want to see Your face
Pass me by the crowds of people
The priests who sing Your praise
I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness
And it's only found one place
Take me in to the Holy of Holies
Take me in by the blood of the Lamb
Take me in to the Holy of Holies
Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am
Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am
Salvation Belongs to Our God
Words and music by Adrian Turner and Pat Howard
Salvation belongs to our God
Who sits upon the throne
And unto the Lamb
Praise and glory
Wisdom and thanks
Honor and power and strength
Be to our God forever and ever
Be to our God forever and ever
And we the redeemed shall be strong
In purpose and unity
Declaring aloud
The King of Glory Shall Come In
Words and music by Bob Hartman
The Levites returned with the Ark of the Land
The presence and strength of the God they adored
The temple was shut with the gatekeepers near
The priests would sing out till their nation could hear
Be lifted up everlasting doors
The King of Glory shall come in
Who is this King of Glory?
The Lord strong and mighty
Open your gates to the Lord of Hosts
Who is this King of Glory?
The Lord mighty in battle
The King of Glory shall come in
The King of Glory shall come in
Who can ascend to the hill of the Lord
Those with clean hands and an innocent heart
Who can be found in His holy place
Those who are humble and seek his face
Now we are the temple, He dwells in our hearts
The priesthood of faith that His Spirit imparts
This King is the One who can save from sin
He stands at the door and He wants to come in
No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper
Author Unknown
No weapon formed against us shall prosper
All those who rise up against us shall fall
I will not fear what the devil may bring me
I am a servant of God
I am a servant of God
I Will Celebrate / When the Spirit of the Lord
"I Will Celebrate": Words and music by Linda Duvall
"When the Spirit of the Lord": Author Unknown
I will celebrate
Sing unto the Lord
I will sing to Him a new song
I will praise Him
I will sing to Him a new song
When the Spirit of the Lord moves in my heart
I will sing like David sang
I will sing
I will sing
I will sing like David sang
I will dance like David danced
I will pray like David prayed (slow)
I Will Sing Praise
Words and music by Jacque DeShetler
I will sing praise to God my King
I will sing praise
I will sing praise with my whole being
I will sing praise
My meditation of Him shall be sweet because I love Him
I will give my heart in celebration
And lift my voice on high
And make a joyful noise
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Words and music by Bill Ancira
We will worship the Maker of all things
Almighty God, to You our voices sing
Hallowed be Thy Name
Hallowed be Thy Name
You are the Holy One
Father, Spirit, Son
King of kings and Lord of lords
Hallowed be
Hallowed be
Hallowed be Thy Name
Friends (All in the Family of God)
Words and music by John Wierick
Friends, love one another
Friends, sisters and brothers
Friends, all in the family of God
Friends are a gift from above
Friends are devoted and true
Then when the goin' gets tough
They're lovin', carin' and prayin' for you
I Will Call Upon the Lord
Words and music by Michael O'Shields
I will call upon the Lord
Who is worthy to be praised
So shall I be saved from my enemies
The Lord liveth and blessed be the Rock
And let the God of my salvation be exalted
We Exalt Thee
Words and music by Pete Sanchez
We exalt Thee
We exalt Thee
We exalt Thee, O Lord


PETRA Beyond Belief - 1990
Armed and Dangerous
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 2 Corinthians 10:4, Ephesians 6:11-17
It used to be a distant call
Thought to be for some but never all
Now our wounded lay on every side
Now this call to arms can't be denied
The enemy will tremble
As young and old assemble
A mighty army up in arms
Armed and dangerous
God's enemies will scatter
Armed and dangerous
We'll see the darkness shatter
This armor is worth it's weight
No weapon can penetrate
Armed and dangerous
We're ready to storm the gate
We're not so tough on our own
Not one can even stand all alone
Just a rag tag army at its best
We sometimes even fail the smallest test
But though this tribulation
There comes a transformation
We don the armor of our King
Up against the flood
Covered by His blood
We are the standard He has raised
Earnestly contend
To the very end
We've only just begun to fight
I Am on the Rock
Words and music by Bob Hartman and John Elefante
Based on Matthew 7:24-27, 16:18
The earth is shakin'
It's like a bad dream
This world is crumblin'
Comin' apart at the seam but
I am on the Rock
Everywhere I'm turning it's only bad news
This bomb is tickin' and we're getting to the end of the fuse but
I am on the Rock
I am on the Rock, the sure foundation
I am on the Rock, His revelation
Though the winds may blow
And though the floods may grow
I shall not be moved, 'cause I am on the Rock
The storm's approaching, I'm standing high and dry
Firmly planted on the Rock that is higher than I
I am on the Rock
Kingdoms failing, they fall around me
Plans eroded, and washing away to the sea
There is no Rock in this world but our God
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on the Apostle's Creed
I believe in God the Father - maker of heaven and earth
And in Jesus Christ His only Son
I believe in the virgin birth
I believe in the Man of Sorrows bruised for iniquities
I believe in the Lamb who was crucified and hung between two thieves
I believe in the resurrection on the third and glorious day
And I believe in the empty tomb and the stone that the angel rolled away
He descended and set the captives free
And now He sits at God's right hand and prepares a place for me
This is my creed - the witness I have heard
The faith that has endured
This truth is assured
Through the darkest ages past
Though persecuted, it will last
And I will hold steadfast to this creed
I believe He sent His Spirit to comfort and to reveal
To lead us into the truth and light, to baptize and to seal
I believe that He will come back the way He went away
And receive us all unto Himself, but no man knows the day
I believe He is the Judge of all men, small and great
The resurrected souls of men receive from Him their fate
Some to death and some to life, some to their reward
Some to sing eternal praise forever to our Lord
Beyond Belief
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Hebrews 6:1a, Romans 1:17, Philippians 1:6
We're content to pitch our tent
When the glory's evident
Seldom do we know the glory came and went
Moving can seem dangerous
In this stranger's pilgrimage
Knowing that you can't stand still, you cross the bridge
There's a higher place to go, beyond belief, beyond belief
Where we reach the next plateau, beyond belief, beyond belief
And from faith to faith we grow
Towards the center of the flow
Where He beckons us to go, beyond belief, beyond belief
Leap of faith without a net
Makes us want to hedge our bet
Waters never part until our feet get wet
There's a deeper place to go
Where the road seems hard to hoe
He who has begun this work won't let it go
And it takes so long to see the change
But we look around and it seems so strange
We have come so far but the journey's long
And we once were weak but now we're strong
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Corinthians 13
Love is patient, love is kind
No eyes of envy, true love is blind
Love is humble, it knows no pride
No selfish motive hidden inside
Love is gentle, makes no demands
Despite all wrong, true live still stands
Love is holy, love is pure
It lasts forever, it will endure
Love knows when to let go
Love knows when to say no
Love grows in the light of the Son
And love shows the world that the Son of Love has come
Love is loyal, believes the best
It loves the truth, love stands the test
Love is God sent in His Son
Love forgives all we have done
In this world where hatred seems to grow
True love goes against the flow
And becomes so hard to show
In this world where push turns to shove
We have strength to rise above
Through the power of His love
Lord, we need to know the power of Your love
Words and music by Bob Hartman and John Elefante
Based on John 15:18, Philippians 1:28, Romans 8:37
Look at the front page, turn on the tv
They fire another round at you and me
Their guns are loaded, they're taking aim
Nobody told them we're not all the same
No paranoia, nobody could
Just write it off as being Hollywood
The innuendo between the lines
Leaves no confusion 'bout what's on their minds
I won't go underground
I won't turn and flee
I won't bow the knee
I won't go underground
I won't turn and hide from the rising tide
I won't go underground
I won't compromise what the world denies
I won't go underground
And I'm not ashamed of the cross I've claimed
They're taking notes on what we say
You know they'd like to lock us all away
Can't stop the movement, can't make it slow
Persecution always makes us grow
They got my number, it's no surprise
I'm here and wearing no disguise
Bring on the lions and heat up the fire
It's not enough to stop this man's desire
(2nd Chorus)
I won't go underground
I won't turn and flee
I won't bow the knee
I won't go underground
I keep holding fast till the very last
I won't go underground
I will turn my cheek, I will boldly speak
I won't go underground
I am not ashamed of the cross I've claimed
I know the Spirit behind this force
It's not surprising if you know the source
I pray for freedom for helpless ones
And I keep standing till the new day dawns
And I won't lay low as the hatreds grow
Seen and Not Heard
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 7:3,5, James 1:2, Matthew 5:16
Too many black sheep in the family
Too many stones from a house of glass
They've heard the story, they've heard the lines
But talk is too cheap to change their minds
They want to see some vital signs
Convictions - in the way we live
Convictions - not a narrative
Actions speak a little louder than words
Seen and not heard, seen and not heard
Sometimes God's children should be seen and not heard
There's too much talk and not enough walk
Sometimes God's children should be seen and not heard
Delayed reaction to hostility
Brings us into reality
Cause when we answer in our defense
They can see through the false pretense
They want to see some evidence
Commitment - no more alibis
Commitment - not a compromise
Actions speak a little louder than words
Let your light so shine in all you do
With an answer near when they come to you
Don't let your mouth start talkin'
Until your feet start walkin'
Last Daze
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Somewhere in the darkest night a stranger has lost the way
Cold wind and a distant light has carried his heart away
Some say he was one of us, a prodigal gone astray
But inside he's as cold as ice to the truth that he won't obey
He won't discern - the point of no return
In the last daze - the final haze
There was strong delusion to believe a lie
In the last daze before the blaze
They couldn't see beyond their misty trance
To grab the truth and have a fighting chance
In the last daze
Cold chills when the Spirit speaks that some shall depart from the faith
All ends in calamity just when they thought it was safe
They followed the lies - the fables men devised
Some say it's a certainty, a sign of the times I am told
But I weep for the souls of those who will never return to the fold
What's in a Name
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Philippians 2:9-10
Some men called Him Rabbi, good teacher, nothing more
The Son of just a carpenter who taught along the shore
Some men called Him Master, Elijah come again
Some left their nets to follow Him to learn to fish for men
Some say He's Messiah, I Am, who's always been
The Baptist called Him Lamb of God who takes away our sin
What's in a name that the demons flee
What's in a name that the captives go free
What's in a name that every knee should bow
In the name of Jesus, name above all names
There is power and glory, forever and ever
Forever and ever
Some said Son of David returning to His throne
Some said He's the Son of Man with origin unknown
And one said He's the Son of God, the Rock on which we stand
The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end
No other name can sound so sweet
No other name is so complete
No other name can bring release
The Mighty God, the Prince of Peace
Words and music by Bob Hartman and John Elefante
Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, Ephesians 6:18-19, Matthew 6:9-13
First I want to thank You Lord for being who You are
For coming to the rescue of a man who's drifted far
For calling me to be Your son and calling me to serve
Lord the way You've blessed my life is more than I deserve
Keep the ones I love so dearly
Fill their emptiness while I am gone
And fill the loneliness in me
This is my prayer
Lifted to You
Knowing You care even more than I do
This is my prayer
Lifted in Your name
Your will be done I humbly pray
Let me be the evidence of what Your grace can do
To a generations struggling to find themselves in You
May they come to know the love of God
May their eyes be made to see
Give me the opportunity to share the truth that sets them free
And may unity in all things
Be the banner of Your church
And let revival's fire begin to burn
As we face the last and final hours
Turn a wayward country back to You
And keep us from the evil that devours
Keep us on the path and lead us through
Keep us in Your light until Your kingdom comes
And our work is done
This is my prayer
Lifted to You
Knowing You care so much more than I do
This is my prayer
In Jesus' name
Your will be done I humbly pray
This is my prayer



PETRA Unseen Power - 1991
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 8:28-30
Time is a gift on loan
Fate is already known
It's your destiny to make it to the end
It's your destiny to go against the trend
Heavenly destiny, destiny
Plans are already laid
Debts are already paid
It's your destiny, your place
Within His will
It's your destiny, you alone can fill
Heavenly destiny
When you gonna see you're meant to be
You're chosen out of history
No one else can take your place
The one and only in the human race
One of a kind
When you gonna see He has a will
For you and only you fulfill your destiny
The steps of a righteous man
Are led by a Master's plan
It's your destiny, don't forsake the call
It's your destiny, a stone within the wall
It's your destiny, no accidental call
It's your destiny, you were meant to be
It's your destiny, only you can see
Heavenly destiny
Who's on the Lord's Side
Words by Timothy Wright
Based on Joshua 24:15
You've been running and running
Running for a long time
Your time is winding up
You better make up your mind
It's getting late in the evening
The sun is going down
You better get right while
He may be found
I want to know where
Who's on the Lord's side
I want to know where
Who's on the Lord's side
Where do you stand
Come on, come on
I'm on the Lord's side
You got to work, got to work, work while it's day
For the night is coming when you can't find your way
Oh sinner I wonder what will you do
You better choose this day - tomorrow's not promised to you
Get up if you're on the Lord's side
Get on your feet
Ready, Willing, and Able
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Timothy 4:2
Enough of the sidelines, gotta get in the game
When nothing is ventured, nothing is gained
He's callin' the numbers play by play
We're either out or we're in all the way
Get in the action whatever the cost
Nothing can equal the worth of the lost
Shoulder to shoulder, hand to the plow
Today is the day and the right time is now
And the field is ready for the new reserve
We will bring the harvest with a will to serve
Ready, willing and able
To advance the light and defend the right
Ready, willing and able
Lifting up the cross to the waiting lost
Ready to serve and willing to go
Able to stand against the foe
Ready, willing and able
Instant in season drop of a hat
Bases are loaded, it's our turn at bat
Pressure is mounting, the tension is hot
Heaven is watching to see what we've got
There is strength in numbers
There is hope in One
We are called and chosen to proclaim His Son
He's already given us all that we need
With love in our message and hope in our creed
When Yahweh is for us and faith is our stay
No power below us can stand in our way
Hand on My Heart
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Kings 18:46, John 10:28-29
Got Your hand on my heart and
I won't walk away
Got a hold of my life and I'm here to stay
Got Your hand on my heart
I remember when You first touched my heart
And the seed of life within began its start
Now I've finally found security
Now I finally see I'm Yours eternally
You've got Your hand on me
Got Your hand on my heart and
I won't walk away
Got a hold of my life and
I'm here to stay
Got Your hand on my heart
And now I know
That You won't let me go
You're never gonna let me go
I don't want to lose another day
Feeling You're a million miles away
I just want to know without a doubt
I will always feel Your loving hand is reaching out
I feel Your touch every night, every day
With Your hand on my pulse
I won't easily stray
But if I ever do, a gentle tug will pull me through
I just have to let You know
That I love You so
I Need to Hear from You
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Job 13:22
I've been away for a little while
And I don't like where it takes me
Out of touch I'm going out of my mind
It's times like these that really break me
So here I am all alone
I'm waiting on You
Just a word will get me through
I need to hear from You
Before this night is through
I need to hear from You
So I'm waiting, waiting just to hear from you
My whole world is turning upside down
When I'm lacking in direction
I don't care if it takes all night
I need to feel Your sweet affection
So let me hear words of life
I'm lost without You
Speak to me the way You do
I've been here in this place before
And You're not the one to blame
I need to know what You have in store
So I'm on my knees callin out Your name
I need to hear from You
Deep inside my heart
I need to hear from You
Just a still small voice is gonna get me through
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on 2 Thessalonians 2:15,
2 Timothy 3:14, Philippians 1:6
I've been to the party and I left alone
And I've danced with a few that I'd be better off on my own
I've been to the altar and I know I kneeled
But I ended up dancing in the grass of another field
Then someone told me I heard someone say
Dance with the one who brung ya
Dance with the one you know who got you there
Dance with the one who brung ya
Don't change hats, you know it's the one you wear
My feet start moving down inside my shoes
But I don't want to settle for the beat of a lonely blues
And there's no use dancin' to a different drum
When I've seen what happens and I know what will become
I can testify it's never worth a try
I looked high, I looked low
You're never gonna find someone who loves you so
Stand tall, stand strong
You're only gonna see you're right where you belong
Don't try to fix what has never been broke
Secret Weapon
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 1:9, 2 Corinthians 10:4
I've waited patiently for your reply
You say you'll come around by and by
I've tried to show the way into the light
But I just won't let you go without a fight
You think my hands are tied
But you will never hide, no
I've got you in my sight day and night
I've got a secret weapon
I'll pray for you
I've got a secret weapon
Gonna get through
I really care about you
I'll pray for you
I've told you everything you need to know
But you still fluctuate to and fro
You just can't push yourself over the edge
So I will pull the rug behind the hedge
How can you ever lose
This deal you can't refuse
So with your hands up high
Reach for the sky
I won't give up on you
I'll pray until the night is through
And you surrender to the light
Come on surrender
Sight Unseen
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Hebrews 11:6
For so long I was depending upon
My senses and fences, I tried to ride on
And trusting in things that can never be seen
Was always a crutch on which others must lean
Thinking if I could see I would believe
Then somebody said believe and you will see
Sight unseen, sight unseen
You have to take it sight unseen
Blinded by the darkness only faith can come between
Sight unseen, sight unseen
Evidence built into every design
Led to conviction between every line
Faith is the key that can open the veil
To Love incarnated and pierced with a nail
Listen my friend, have I got news for you
The nails in His hands and feet were meant for you
Hey World
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Jeremiah 1:5, Acts 17:25
It could have gone either way when it came down to the choice
To keep the life within a life that had no voice
It must have surely seemed the harder road to choose
To be so young to have to say who had the most to lose
But she came through like a champ and she blessed the world that day
Then gave the hope of a better life when she gave him away
Now the innocence and joy is there each day he wakes
Expressions of his love of life in every breath he takes
He could have been thrown away before he had a chance to say
Hey world, I am here and I have something to give
Hey world, I'm alive and I am wanting to live
He turned to lock the door as he wiped away a tear
The hopelessness of missing love, his adolescent fear
As he struggled for the strength to put the gun away
He found the courage and the hope to face another day
He could have been blown away before he had a chance to say
Down the corridor or life in between our death and birth
We may start to lose our way in the search to find our worth
Our value comes in the face we live
Life is a gift only God can give
In the Likeness of You
Words and music by John Lawry and John Elefante
Based on Psalm 17:15
In the likeness of You
Recreated, renewed
Let me awake forever
In the likeness
In the likeness of You
Now I lay me down to sleep
My heart and soul are Yours to keep
I close my eyes and try to see
More of You and less of me
Jesus, I'm trusting in You
So while I'm sleeping
Keep me dreaming
Of when I will awake
In the likeness of You
Recreated, renewed
Resurrected by Your righteousness
In Your likeness
In the likeness of You
Men dream of fortune and fame
Making the rules, naming the game
And men dream of things they can hold
Money and power, silver and gold
Jesus, I'm dreaming of You
Take me and melt me, mold me
Until I am complete
In the likeness of You
Recreated, renewed
Resurrected by Your righteousness
In the likeness of You
In the likeness of You
So faithful and true
Let me awake forever in the likeness of You
The likeness of You
I want to be
I want to be like You
In all I say
In all I do



Petra Wake-Up Call - 1993 Lyrics
Midnight Oil
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 25:1-13
We wait since the day He ascended
He said He would come again
Some think it will be such a long time
Some they the know just when
We live like there's no tomorrow
We wait with out lamps of oil
We watch for the midnight hour
The day we cease our toil
When the trumpet sounds and the bridegroom comes
The wedding's gonna be so royal
So we gotta keep staying loyal
'Cause our feet are gonna leave this soil
When we burn the midnight oil
When we burn the midnight oil
Some wait from the top of the mountain
Away from the world below
Some work while there's still a harvest
No rest when there's seed to sow
We go out to wait for the bridegroom
Some bring oil of readiness
Some lamps will be burned out waiting
Left out in their emptiness
Will our lamps be full at parousia?
When the bridegroom comes we will hear the call
Good News
Words and musicby Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 10:15
It's just the same thing every day
It's only bad news coming my way
Another war, there's a film at eleven
Another crime from the heart of man
I can sit here with my lock on the door
Change the channel as I try to ignore
Or get ready with shoes on my feet
And start dancing to another beat
Good news - you can read all about it
Good news - speak the word, never doubt it
Good news- 'cause we can't live without it
I got good news on a long-standing offer
Life you can never lose
Some people can't see the light of day
They need somebody to show them the way
They climb the walls in fear of the future
But God alone has the only cure
The world is spinning like it's out of control
There's only one thing that can save the soul
I'm feeling today is the day
So listen up, I've got something to say
All this bad news is getting me down
Got my head spinning around
Don't have to take it, you know you can choose
So listen up...I've got some good news
The world needs to hear good news of the love of God's Son
Every life can be changed by the hearing of what He's done
Strong Convictions
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 12:2
Western world where the strong survive
And the meek will inherit the dregs
Living now in the twilight time
Will the world hear the answer it begs
Secular and sacred blur
Without even raising a flag
When so many masters call
Is it the tail or the dog that will wag?
With some among us weak at the knees
And many others who do as they please
There still remains a witness
The few who will stand and say
I've got strong convictions 'bout the way that I live
I've got no concessions that I'm willing to give
Strong convictions that are worth living by
Strong convictions 'till the day I die
It's so hard seeing black and white
When so much appears to be gray
With no faith in the absolute
It's no wonder the standard will stray
With bold convictions leading the way
With those who have them willing to say
There is a new horizon
I can say as for me and mine
Pressure makes the perfect diamond
Measure of the saints refining
Don't ever want to stray
I really want to stay
Steadfast and immovable in Him
He's Been In My Shoes
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Hebrews 2:18, 4:15
Here in my hour of need
I'm lonely, forsaken again
I'm wounded and left here to bleed
With no solace from a stranger or friend
Who hears my cry to revive and restore?
One who has been here before
He's been in my shoes
Been down this road before
He's been tested, too
He's been through this door
He feels the pain and He heals the bruise
He's been in my shoes
He's been in my shoes
The union of God in a man
Is a mystery that I can't understand
And now with my suffering known
I'm reminded that I'm never alone
Who has been tried and been tempted this way?
Jesus who now hears me pray
He was a man just like me
But He lived His life blamelessly
Now I'm beginning to see
He holds my hand
He understands
Praying Man
Words by John Lawry
Based on James 5:16b
Noah saw the coming of the flood
(He built an ark upon dry land)
When Moses prayed,
God parted the Red Sea
(In faith, he made his stand)
And David dropped the giant to his knees
(Empowered by a stronger hand)
God changed the course of history
(See the power of the praying man)
Faith lives in folded hands
Mountains move when you make a stand
It's never been a case of sleight of hand
It's the power, oh the power of the praying man
Whoa, I see the power of the praying man
Whoa, I see the power of the praying man
Jesus turned the water into wine
(No tricks, no magicians)
He rules the earth, the wind, the sky
(In control of the situation)
He knew that
Prayer is alive and well today
(It's a matter of dedication)
Prayer works when you take the time to pray
(It's a matter of true devotion)
You'll see that
Underneath the Blood
Words by Bob Hartman
Hebrews 9:14
I was just a young man
With a burning fuse
Headed in the wrong way
'Til I heard the news
'Bout a substitution
Blood shed for me
'Bout a grace so amazing it can make a man free
Now I'm rescued, pulled from the mud
It's all behind me, under the blood
Underneath the blood
Through the cleansing flood
Guilt is left behind
Never brought to mind
I'm an innocent man
Underneath the blood
Now a little older
I recall the past
Farther from me
Than east is from west
But in all the wisdom
That my growing brings
I can't seem to put down all my childish things
Where do I go when
I've missed the mark
And my heart starts feeling like it's stained and dark
Only know one way to go
I take it to the crimson flood
Underneath the blood
Through the cleansing flood
Guilt is left behind
Never brought to mind
Underneath the blood
Pulled up from the mud
Feet on solid ground
What was lost is found
I'm an innocent man
Underneath the blood
I'm an innocent man
Underneath the blood
Underneath the blood
Through the cleansing flood
Guilt is left behind
Never brought to mind
Underneath the blood
Pulled up from the mud
Feet on solid ground
What was lost is found
I'm an innocent man
Sleeping Giant
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 13:11, Isaiah 60:1
Whoa, sleeping the night away
Darkness enclosing the world so desperate for day
We're under the spell of disunity
When will this giant awake and stand and be free
Now the hour has come
To awaken and redeem the time given to the night
Curse this darkness and stand in the light
Can you hear the alarm echo down the hall
The sleeping giant gets a wake-up call
Awake from your sleep 'cause it's time to stand tall
The sleeping giant gets a wake-up call
The sleeping giant gets a wake-up call
Whoa, been sleeping so long, yeah
How can we hope to discern the right from the wrong?
The gauntlet is thrown in the face of denial
Each time we sleep through an inch we're losing a mile
We will get this rude awakening to reality
And arise in unity
It's been dark for so long night is almost gone
Always darkest before the dawn
Sunlight soon appearing, a new day it will bring
Do you feel it?
Believer in Deed
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 John 3:18
On his journey we begin at birth
This fleeting moment that we spend on earth
No second chance to live it all again
It must be now or never
To cherish each endeavor
What will they say that I have left behind
A faithful heritage for all to find
What will the see?
I want my legacy to be
He was a believer in deed
He had a heart of a different breed
He made his mark and he lived by his creed
A true believer
A believer in deed
Am I living everything I say?
Am I pointing others to the way?
Will I leave this world a better place?
Will Jesus say he knew me
Is Jesus living through me?
Did I maintain my authenticity?
A man of honor and integrity?
Remembering me
I hope that they will truly see
At the end of my days I know I'm gonna say
I wouldn't live my life any other way
I'll look to my posterity to carry on for me
And pray that they will see
Marks of the Cross
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 10:39, Luke 9:62
These days shallow and feeble resolve abound
And true devotion and passionate fervor are seldom found
But there are those who often feel they're all alone
Those of whose identities are known
By the mark of the crucified Son
Praying, caring, loving, sharing
These are the marks of the cross
Giving, bearing, feeling, daring
To lay down your life on the line
Forgetting what you leave behind
And willing to suffer the loss
Of the marks of the cross
These days the search for detachment and solitude
Lead to retreating to fortresses no one would dare intrude
Then there are those whose restless burdens start to show
Those who unmistakably most know
There's no crown 'til we suffer the cross
All our identity rests in the knowledge
Of who we're created to be
We are His workmanship, made in His image
For all of creation to see
The marks of His pain and His glory
Just Reach Out
Words and music by John Schlitt and Rick Gootee
Based on Psalm 34:16-18, Romans 10:9-13
Sometimes the night seems to go on for days
When it's hard to see the light through the darkness and haze
While the world around you makes you feel out of place
And the burdens that you carry are just too hard to face
Just reach out and He'll reach in
Take your broken heart and make it whole again
It don't matter who you are or where you've been
Just reach out, and He'll reach in
Standing in a crowd, but still all alone
Crying out for answers that nobody knows
Everybody's busy looking out for themselves
Is there anyone who really cares about anyone else?
You say you've walked ten thousand steps away
But don't you know that it's only one step back?
Because the One who hears you when you pray
Is the One who's the beside you
And He'll never walk away



Petra -No Doubt - 1995 Lyrics
Enter In
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Hebrews 10:19,20
Once a year for sacrifice just one priest could pay the price
And step inside the inner veil to make the people free
Temple stood the same for years till the Nazarene appears
Things will never be the same since 33 A.D.
When He spoke and bowed Hid head
He who saved the world was dead
Then the earth began to shake
Heaven's wall began to break
Opening the Holy Place
The temple veil is torn in two
The way is clear for me and you
We can enter in, enter in
Into Heaven's Holy place
We can enter in, enter in
Boldly by His blood we can approach His throne of grace
We can enter in a new and living Way
By our faith He will receive us when we pray
Now without a second look we forget what all it took
To be seen as innocent by His Holy eyes
Never thinking foolishly there is something He won't see
For our lack of righteousness there is no disguise
He won't look the other Way
Someone's life will have to pay
Once for all it has been done
Taken out upon His Son
He remembers it no more
Now for us He is the Door
Opened up forevermore
We can enter in, enter in
We can enter in His gates with thankfulness and praise
Into the once forbidden Holy place
We can live in goodness and in mercy all our days
We can enter in a new and living Way
By our faith He will receive us when we pray
We don't have to be afraid to seek His face We can enter in
Think Twice
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on 2 Timothy 2:22
You can think of times when you had the right chance
You could make a choice when nobody could see
You could think of ways of defending your deeds
Justify the way that you wanted to be
Wait just a minute
Wait just a minute
Hey, did you ever think twice
Something inside says stay away
Hey, did you ever think twice
When there's still time you can go the other way
Hey, did you ever think twice
You can think of things that you wanted to try
You can think of things that you wish you could see
You could go a way that would seem to right
Thinking of a place that you wish you could be
Wait just a minute
Wait just a minute
Face to face with sin
You better think again, you better think again
Take another look for a second time
And give a second thought to where you draw the line
Wait just a minute Wait just a minute
Heart of a Hero
Words by Brian Wooten
Based on Psalm 31:24
The fearless giant faced a brave young shepherd boy
He said, "Your God is dead and your nation soon destroyed"
But the son of Jesse proved what God can do in the heart of a hero
Three men refused to bow to the idol made of gold
They knew they could burn for not doing what they're told
They'd rather face the fire than to kneel to a god made by hands
It takes the heart of a hero
To stand for what's right
It takes the heart of a hero
To lay down your life
There are idols to be worshipped and giants in the land
They'll drag you down, attack your faith
and slay you if they can
So let your heart be filled with the courage
and strength of the Lord
Have the faith of a child
And the power of God
And when you call on His name
He will give you the heart of a hero
Will you stand for what's right?
Would you lay down your life? Do you have heart?
More Than a Thousand Words
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 8:26
I saw Your picture hanging on the wall
Just an artist rendering that was all
The way You looked down in Your agony
Jogged my memory
And helped me to see
If a picture's worth a thousand words
Then it won't help me at all
Only words are never gonna say
What I feel for You today
More than a thousand words won't say
More than my life will not repay
More than a thousand things I do
Won't make it up to You
I stopped a moment sitting all alone
Without a waiting call on the phone
Looked like a picture from a magazine
More serenity than I've ever seen
And if words cannot describe this day
Or the beauty of this scene
Tell me, how can I expect the words I say
To reflect the things I mean
More than a thousand words won't tell
How You forgave me when I fell
More than a thousand words won't do
To say I love You
Simple words will never quite express
My gratitude to You
Until I cross the barrier Mortal words will have to do
No Doubt
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on James 1:6
There are times when you feel like you can't go on
There are times when you feel like giving in
And there are times when you feel like you can't try anymore
There are times of trouble in believing
This test of your faith will last
As long as it takes to pass
Till you have no more doubt you'll endure
And your faith will emerge true and pure
No doubt it'll be alright
With God it'll work together for good
No doubt in the end it will be understood
No doubt it'll all work out
With faith He can move any mountain for us
No doubt in the power of Jesus
And after all is done we find out
All we really need to have is no doubt
There's a time to take a reckless leap of faith
There's a time to be cautious and to wait
And there's a way of learning from the past
That this time of trouble won't last
And sometimes we want to think we know
The ways He will choose to make us grow
But it's never the way of our choosing
And we can't always see what He's using
There will be winters in the seasons of our soul
With a cold and bitter wind that chills our lives
But our faith can be building a fire
That will warm us till springtime arrives
Right Place
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 Peter 4:12,13
Got no place to run, gotta look up to see the bottom
No visible support - no one there you can lean on
You're all on your own - you know it's sink or swim
There is no doubt about it, you have to look to Him
When you think you've had enough
No more you can do
When you feel like giving up
Deadline is in view
When your time is almost gone
You haven't got a clue
Now's the time to turn your face
You're in the right place - trusting only Him
You're in the right place - kick back and just depend
You're in the right place - to see what He can do
You're in the right place - He will come through
When you're sinking fast - takin' water in your boat
No one to bail you out - you think it's all she wrote
The odds are against you - your chances slim to none
A hopeless situation - you got no place to run
No one has a rescue plan
Waiting in the wings
Now's the time to call His name
He can do all things
When your self-reliance fails
You still have a prayer
You will have to trust His grace
When you abide, He will provide
Never shorthanded
When you will pray, He'll make a way
He won't leave you stranded
Two Are Better Than One
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Ecclesiastes 4:9,10
You can call me up in the night
I will pray till you win the fight
We're more than friends
We walk together
Through any weather
We sharpen each other
I'll be there when you call
Lift you up when you fall
Two are better than one
You will pray when I'm weak
Help me back on my feet
Two are better than one
Two are better than one
When I start to cross the line
You just seem to read my mind
And then you bust me
Then turn around and trust me
Come to the rescue
I'll do the same for you
I don't want to go solo
It's always better with two
I just want someone to lift me up
To pray and help me get through
Sincerely Yours
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 12:9
I've lived in my own way
And found that there's a price to pay
And I felt the emptiness
Without Your tenderness
Now before You I confess
Here is all I have to give
I offer up this life I live
I am sincerely Yours
Now in all sincerity
I give You all of me (Jesus)
I am sincerely Yours
This prodigal is standing here
Now with all my senses clear
For all You gave to me
I spent it foolishly
You've been waiting patiently
Now I feel the weight on me is lifting
You've washed away the past
And now there is a new day dawning
As long as I keep holding
As long as I keep holding fast
I am Sincerely Yours
Sincerely Yours
Think On These Things
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Philippians 4:8
In solitary time the thoughts run through my mind
Some from the very throne some origins unknown
I know there's a danger waiting
Thoughts held in captivity
The vain imaginations that long to be set free
I hold the key
With thoughts of purity
Whatever things are pure and true,
(I want to)
Think on these things
Whatever things are filled with virtue
Think on these things
When my mind begins to stray
I want to think the other way
Think on these things
Think on these things
Into the conscious flow the tributaries go
The source from which they start
Abundance of the heart
My mind has a mind of its own
choosing negativity
Only the thoughts of virtue
Withhold the raging sea
I turn the tide
By choosing to abide
Whatever things are honest
Whatever things are just
Whatever things are lovely
I will put my trust
In the things that never cease
To keep my heart in perfect peace
For All Your Worth
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 10:31
Hold on to life for all you're worth
You know He died for all you're worth
He loves you
You have the greatest value
He gave His life for all
For all you're worth
By this time you know the story
There's nothing there you haven't heard
You can cross the line of knowing
And your heart believing His Word
Do you think He brought you this far
Just to leave you wondering where and who you are
Just think back to where it began
Jesus called you name and then you just took His hand
Even gold still needs refining
Burning off impurities
Even diamonds grow in value
When they're cut so carefully
There's no life beyond His repair
You will find Him waiting just beyond a prayer
He invested all that He had
Don't you think it hurts Him inside to see you sad
He has His eye on you
You have the greatest value
He gave His life for all
For all you're worth
For all you're worth
We Hold Our Hearts Out To You
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Philippians 2:2
Here we are gathered once again under Your Name
Thinking of the ways we all have caused You shame
But we can find consolation in the things that You said
We are all bound in our hearts by a common thread
We look to You who made us one
To give us strength and bring our
hearts back to where we've begun
So together we hold all our hearts out to You
And we all can believe You know just what to do
Heal and forgive us, make us all just like new
Jesus, we hold our hearts out to You
Jesus, we hold our hearts out to You
Sometimes we forget what it is that brings us here
Sometimes we forget what it means to be sincere
And there are times we are bothered
when we don't seem to feel
Then we all focus on the One who makes things real
We look around and we feel strong
We feel Your presence then we know
that this is where we belong
And when we hold out all our lost and shattered dreams
You will be binding every heart with broken seams
With a warm and loving hand
You understand




and Maintained
By Scott Stuhlmacher 2003