Petra Praise 2 We Need Jesus - 1997 Lyrics
Song of Moses
Words by Jim Cooper & Brian Wooten
Based on Matthew 28:19, 22:9
Great and marvelous are Your deeds
Oh, Lord God Almighty
Great and marvelous are Your deeds
Oh, Lord God Almighty
Just and true are Your ways
Oh, King of the Ages
Who shall not fear, oh Lord
And glorify Your name
For You alone
You alone are Holy
All nations will come
And worship before You, Lord
For You alone
You alone are Holy
All nations will come
And worship before You, Lord
Your righteous ways have been revealed
You alone are Holy
Repeat Verse
Repeat Chorus
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
Words and music by Rick Founds
Lord, I lift Your name on high
Lord, I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad You're in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us
You came from heaven to earth
To show the way
From the earth to the cross
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift Your name on high
Repeat Verse
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
Lord, I lift Your name on high...
Be of Good Cheer
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Peace be unto you
My peace I give to you
In this world you'll surely find
Trials of many different kinds, but
Be of good cheer
Be of good cheer
For I have overcome this world
Be of good cheer
Be of good cheer
For now I go away
But I will return
To take you to a place to dwell
So where I am you'll be as well
Repeat Chorus
In this world you'll surely find
Trials of many different kinds
But I will not forsake you then
I'll be with you until the end
Repeat Chorus
Show Your Power
Words and music by Kevin Prosch
He is the Lord and He reigns on high
He is the Lord
Spoke into the darkness, creating the Light
He is the Lord
Who is like unto Him, never ending in days
He is the Lord
And He comes in power when we call on His name
He is the Lord
Show Your power
Oh, Lord, our God
Show Your power
Oh, Lord, our God
Oh, Lord, our God
Your Gospel, oh, Lord is the hope for our nation
You are the Lord
It's the power of God for our salvation
You are the Lord
Repeat Chorus
We ask not for riches but look to the cross
'Cause you are the Lord
And for our inheritance give us the loss
You are the Lord
Send Your power
Oh, Lord, our God
Send Your power
Oh, Lord, our God
Oh, Lord, our God
I Love You, Lord
Words and music by Laurie Klein
I love you, Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship You
Oh, my soul rejoice!
Take joy my King
In what You hear
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear
Repeat Chorus
I love you, Lord...
The Holiest Name
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Lord, how lovely is Your name
You are everyday the same
You are worthy
Lord, come and fill our emptiness
With the beauty of Your holiness
Now, we will sing Your praise
And declare Your ways to be holy
Lord, we love and proclaim
The Holiest name
Of God in the highest
Lord, above every name
No other can claim
The Holiest name of all
Grace has been given unto us
We have nothing else to trust
But Your mercy
Your love has called us to Your side
We will faithfully abide in You
And now we will heed Your voice
And our hearts rejoice in Your glory
Repeat Chorus
The Holiest name
The Holiest name of all
Let Our Voices Rise Like Incense
Words and music by Linda Whitmer-Bell
Let our voices rise like incense
Let them be as sweet perfume
Let our praises fill the temple
Hallelujah's ringing ever new
Holy, Holy
Is the Lord Almighty
Holy, Holy
Is the Lord our God
Repeat Verse
Repeat Chorus
Holy, Holy
Is the Lord our God
Ancient of Days
Words and music by Gary Sadler and Jamie Harvill
Blessing and honor
Glory and power
Be unto the Ancient of Days
From every nation
All of creation
Bow before the Ancient of Days
Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory
Every knee will bow at Your throne
In worship
You will be exalted, oh God
And Your kingdom will not pass away
Oh, Ancient of Days
Repeat Verse
Repeat Chorus
Ancient of Days...
I Waited for the Lord on High
Words and music by Bill Batstone
I waited
For the Lord on high
I waited
And He heard my cry
He pulled me out of my despair
He taught me how to walk
From fear into security
From quicksand to the Rock
Repeat Chorus
I sing to let the people know
That I have been restored
And they will kneel and understand
To return and trust in the Lord
Repeat Chorus
And there's a new song
In my heart to sing
There's a new song
Praises for my King
I waited
Lovely Lord
Words and music by Bob Hartman
You are filled with compassion and mercy and grace
With Your banner of love over me
I am longing to see You one day face to face
And to be with You endlessly
Lord, how lovely You are to me
Lovely Lord
You are all to me
Lovely Lord
Full of purity
Worthy of honor and majesty
Lord, how lovely You are to me
You are bright as the sunrise and fairest of all
Unto You all the glory will be
You are God of creation and Lord of my life
I will worship You faithfully
Lord, how lovely You are to me
Repeat Chorus
We will worship the name of the Holiest One
We will worship Your excellency
We will give You the glory
For things You have done
And be thankfully eternally
Lord, how lovely You are to me
Repeat Chorus
Lord, how lovely You are to me
"Only by Grace" words and music by Gerrit Gustafson
"To Him Who Sits on the Throne" words and music by Debbye Graafsma
"You Are Holy" words and music by Scott Wesley Brown
Only by grace can we enter
Only by grace can we stand
Not by our human endeavor
But by the blood of the Lamb
Into Your presence You call us
Call us to come
Into Your presence You draw us
And now by Your grace we come
We come
Now by Your grace we come
Lord, if You mark our transgressions
Who would stand?
But thanks to Your grace
We are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb
Only by grace can we enter
And now by Your grace we come
We come
Now by Your grace we come
To Him who sits on the throne
And unto the Lamb
To Him who sits on the throne
And unto the Lamb
Be blessing and honor
And glory and power forever
Be blessing and honor
And glory and power forever
You are Holy
Oh, Lord, so Holy
You are Holy
Oh, Lord, so Holy
What a privilege and an honor
To worship at Your throne
To be caught into Your presence
As Your own
You are Holy
Oh, Lord, so Holy
You are worthy
Oh, Lord, so worthy
You are faithful
Oh, Lord, so faithful
Be blessing and honor
And glory and power forever
Be blessing and honor
And glory and power forever...
We Need Jesus
Words and music by John and Dino Elefante and Scott Springer
Verse 1:
When will the world
See that we need Jesus?
If we open our eyes
We will all realize
That He loves us
When will the world
See that we need Jesus?
When our hearts are as one
And believe that He's the Son of our God
The Lord is our God
And we shall never want
The Lord is our God
And we shall live forever
When we share the love of Jesus
See each other as He sees us
Then His love will see us through
His love will see us through
Verse 2:
When will the world
See that we need Jesus?
When sister and brother
Love one another as one
When will the world
See that we need Jesus?
Will we ever understand
Jesus is the Son of man?
We must live in the shadow of His love
Repeat Verse 1
Repeat Verse 2
PETRA God Fixation - 1998
If I Had To Die For Someone
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on John 15:13
I wear my seatbelt in the car I buckle up for safety
I run for cover from the storm
I wear a band aid on my knee I look both ways when crossing and I flee
Any danger I can see
And if I try each day to save my life in every way I can
How could I understand the way
You died for me
'Cause I don't know if I could even if I think I would
If I had to die for someone
If I had to die for someone else
How could I ever give my life to set the guilty free
When I cannot imagine
If I had to die for someone else like me
Someone else like me
I keep away from falling rocks and I don't play with matches
I lock the door I don't know why
It seems to me I'm much too old to wear a scarf out in the cold
But I want to live until I die
I guess I love my life a little more than I should love it
And if I had to I don't know if I could
Lay it down
And I am glad that You are not at all like me
'Cause You laid down Your life and did it willingly
It still amazes me to know
It's me that You were thinking of
No One else could have a greater love
Hello Again
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Revelation 21:4
Everybody has to say their goodbyes
While they wipe away the tears from their eyes
Everybody bids a fonder farewell
When they know there won't be any sequel
Everybody says a Sayonara
When they know they won't be back tomorrow
Everybody hopes to have reunions
Back together with the ones they knew once
There's a salutation that's reserved for heaven's own
Hello again- we're back together
Hello again- we're here forever
Hello again- rejoined in heaven
Hello again
Everybody's gonna be there waiting
They just want to see you graduating
Gonna see the ones who've gone before us
They'll be cheering in a mighty chorus
Everybody will be glad to see ya
Even if it wasn't their idea
Every argument will be forgotten
We remember them for now but not then
When we see each other there'll be just one thing to say...
Say goodbye to the loneliness forever (Never be alone)
Say hello to the garden once again
Say goodbye to this world of stormy weather
Say hello to the One who calls you "friend"
I can't wait until we're reunited and we say...
A Matter Of Time
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on I Peter 4:3
Do you ever think about the ways you're getting older?
You sit around and realize your heart is colder
There'll come a time you'll think your youth is almost over
Where did it go, you'll never know so you'll just wonder
Did you ever want to turn the hands of time back to your
Back to the time you had it made, you had it so good
What would it take to see mistakes before they happen?
What would you do with all the choices that you made then?
It's just a matter of time
It'll all be over (And it makes you wonder)
It's just a matter of time
Better think about it (How did it go so fast?)
It's just a matter of time
You know you're gettin' older
It's just a matter of time
You sit around, you're all alone, the party's over
You think about it all again, your thoughts are sober
You waste away another day and then it happens
You're old and grey, you dream away about your past sins
God has a plan worth listening to
Not built on sand that is sifting through
It's not too late for redeeming the time
Falling Up
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Psalm 37:23-24
Standing on the corner I was losing track of time
When away in the distance saw an old friend of mine
He was smiling when he walked up held a tract out in his hand
Then he told me Jesus loved me and said "so do I, man"
Told me Jesus wants to save me from the fiery pit of hell
Then I told him I was livin' there I knew that place well
I was just about to leave when a love came over me
Like nothin I had felt then we kneeled and we prayed
Right there in the street we prayed
And now, after all those years of falling down
I fell up in the arms of love
When I heard Him call
(Love was calling I was falling)
He was there and I could hear Him callin'
I was fallin' up into His arms
Love was catchin' me that day and somehow
I was fallin' up then
And I'm fallin' up now
I'm fallin' up now
I remember that same feeling I'm reminded everyday
See, Jesus lives inside me and I know He's there to stay
Sometimes I start to fall down just like any other man
But His arms are there to catch me
And lift me up again
After all those years of falling down
I fell up in the arms of love
When I heard Him call
Now - couldn't live without Him
Now - wanna know more about Him
Now - I'm falling once again
Now - falling up to heaven
Over The Horizon
Words by Chelsea Brandow
Based on 1 Peter 4:12-13
Traveling far from home
Out into the unknown
Nothing familiar around me
This journey seems so long
As I await the dawn
All alone and so weary
There's a Light over the horizon
I'll keep walking down this road of hope
Faithful in my prayer
There's a Light over the horizon
Though I may not know what lies ahead
I trust that You'll be there
I spend too many days
Lost in a mindless haze
Not really sure of my purpose
And I may question You
And what I'm going through
When life seems so uncertain
Some days are a mystery to me
But I believe that answers are revealed in time
Even when the path is just not clear
I'm anticipating what I'll find
There's a Light over the horizon
I'll keep walking down this road of hope
Faithful in my prayer
There's a Light over the horizon
Though I may not know what lies ahead
I know that you'll be there
You'll be there
God Fixation
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Psalm 112:7
He's got a straight head
in a world of brain dead
He's got a clean nose
even when the wind blows
He's got a backbone even when he's all alone
Ain't taken no chances following the masses
He's got his mind set
On high with his affections
He's got the jones
He makes no bones
It's a God fixation
A singleness of heart, an undistracted mind
It's a God fixation
Addiction of a different kind
He's got 20/20 vision making a decision
He's so unaffected by what he has rejected
Rooted and grounded -
he's standin' up to be counted
And he's already proved
that he will not be moved
He will not bend to
The pressures and persuasions
He knows the lies
He won't compromise
Repeat Chorus
In the heavenlies
In captivity
Repeat Chorus twice
Set For Life
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 6:19-21
He likes caviar, he likes champagne
Calls his broker just to check his gain
He made a profit of considerable size
Don't ask him no questions, he will tell you no lies
He kept thinking that he had it made
Never considering the price he paid
Earth bound treasures that will fade away
There ain't nothin' that will last him through the judgement day
Then he heard somebody say
There's a true Way
You'll be set for life
If you give your heart and believe what He's done for you
You'll be set for life
With your treasures stored up in heaven when you're through
Woah, woah
Never have another care, as long as you are there
Woah, woah
Rich in God beyond compare
Now these days, he's like a different man
He's got a heart of gold, he lends a helping hand
All he has he knows is never his
His heart is up in heaven where his treasure is
And now you'll hear him say
In his own way
You'll be set for life
You'll have all you need
Just receive with a willing heart
You'll be set for life
You'll be on your way
Any day you decide to start
Set for life
You've got it made
Now he has the right to say
In a true way
Magnet Of The World
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on 2 Peter 2:20
There are things that look attractive
on the surface of despair
There are things that hold my interest when I really shouldn't
I have felt intoxicated viewing
pleasures from afar
But I've been illuminated when they're seen for what they are
Keep me ever closer
Save me from this strong seducing...
Magnet of the world
It reaches to my heart and pulls me
Magnet of the world
Wants to keep me far from You
If it wasn't for Your love that holds me
I would give in to the
Magnet of the world
When a compass pulled by magnetism points a different way
It's not hard to lose your bearings, it's not hard to go astray
Guide me with Your lighthouse
Keep me from the rocks and from this
When will I be free from this
The unfulfilling counterfeit
When will I learn to resist
The constant pull that does exist
Take me farther from this path
Of least resistance now
Will You show me how?
And if it wasn't for Your love
that holds me
I would give in to
The magnet of the world
It reaches to my heart and pulls me
Magnet of the world
Wants to keep me far from You
Magnet of the world
It reaches to my heart and pulls me
Magnet of the world
Magnet of the world...
Shadow Of A Doubt
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on James 1:6-8
Shadows of a different kind
Come and cloud my mind
And make me wonder
Am I still in touch with You?
Or could it be my doubting point of view?
Seems like only yesterday
I was seeing clearly through the haze
Now I find I'm not so sure
When a shadow casts it's doubt upon my ways
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
I seem to find You waiting there
Behind the wall of my own reason
I discover how You care
Lord, I know You won't ignore my prayer
Through faith I'll find You waiting
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
I know You are waiting there
I can hear You when I'm listening
I can't see You clearly now
And I know that I am missing all You have...
I will follow You although I cannot see my way
Cast Your light upon these shadows
Make them go away
If I hear Your voice I will obey
Help my unbelief and help me go...
St. Augustine's Pears
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 7:19
Late one night I heard a knock at the door
The boys were really painting the town
I was just another bored teenage boy
Kickin' up and actin' the clown... Yeah
One dare led to another dare
Then things were getting out of control
We hopped the fence and we stole the pears
And I threw away a part of my soul
Yes, I threw away a part of my soul (now it's)
Haunting me how I stole those pears
'Cause I loved the wrong
Even though I knew a better way
Not for hunger or poverty
It was more than pears that I ended up
throwin' away... Yeah
Time goes by - now I'm old and grey
Those pears are just a memory
I would gladly pay all I have today
But that's just not the problem you
see... ('cause it's)
Why do we love all the things that are wrong
Forbidden fruit has a strange siren song
Why do we do what we don't want to do
When we live with regrets our whole lifethrough
Repeat Chorus
And I don't even like pears that well...
The Invitation
Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Matthew 22:2-10
The King has planned the supper for the wedding of His Son
And He sent out His servants to invite the chosen ones
But they would not receive them and they all refused to come
So He sent them to the highways inviting everyone
They came from every direction
They entered into the gates of the One
The One who called them and gave them the right to sit next to His Son
Do you see...
It's your invitation
Your presence is requested at the marriage of the Lamb
It's your invitation
To be the guest of honor at the wedding of the Great I Am
They'll come from every nation, tribe, and tongue
All those with ears to hear Him knocking
There will be rich and poor alike
There will be old and young
He stands outside of the door
Not all will hear Him but there will be some
They'll hear the voice of the Bride and the voice of the Spirit
say, "come"
Do you hear...
Oh, He's God's worthy Lamb
We'll drink from the Water of Life
In garments of white
With no end in sight
Did you know...
Send Revival
Words by Matt Redman
Based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 6:5-8
We're looking to your promise of old
That if we pray and humble ourselves
You will come and heal our land
You will come, You will come
We're looking to the promise You made
That if we turn and look to Your face
You will come and heal our land
You will come, You will come
To us
Send revival, start with me
For I am one of unclean lips
And my eyes have seen the King
Your glory I have glimpsed
Send revival, start with me
The Noise We Make
This is the noise we make with our voice and with our hands
We've come to celebrate all across this land
The joy that's in our hearts makes us want to dance for you
Join as the angels sing and worship as they do
And we worship you alone with our songs of praise
One day before your throne
This is the noise we make
You are worthy, worthy
You are worthy, worthy
You are holy, holy
You are holy, holy
And we worship you alone with our songs of praise
One day before your throne
This is the noise we make
You give me water in a dry and thirsty land
You satisfy my hunger
Yo feed me from your hand
I was a wanderer in the wildnerness
Until I stumbled on your oasis
And I will stay here with you
Here in the shade, here in the cool
You keep me safe through the night in your oasis
You give your spirit
To a dry and thirsty heart
You satisfy my longing
I hear the voice of God
I was a wanderer in my emptiness
Until you brought me near your oasis
And I will stay here with you
Here in the shade, here in the cool
You keep me safe through the night in your oasis
And I will drink from your well
I find my peace here in your shelter
And I will stay here with you in your oasis
The Prodigal's Song
I'm only happy when I'm with you
And living life the way you show me
Whenever I'm apart, I grow a colder heart
I only feign my love for you
And if a day goes by without speaking
I love like I don't really need you
But in my heart I find I recognize the lie
My every breath I draw from you
And I still find you true, pulling me back to you
To you I will run
The prodigal son
Coming back home again to you
Open your arms
And into your heart
I'm folded in love again with you
And every moment that I've wasted
Chasing after my own dreaming
I know you will forgive and wipe away the tears
For all the lonely foolish years
And I will try to be true, living each day with you
All that I am
And all that I have
And all I can be
Is found in you
Amazing Grace
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
Because your love came down
Your love came down
Your love came down
And it saved, it saved me
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come
'Twas grace that brought me safe this far
And grace will lead me home
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright-shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun
Jesus, Friend of Sinners
There is a voice that must be heard
There is a song that must be sung
There is a name that must be lifted high
There is a treasure more than gold
There is a king upon the throne
There is one whose praise will fill the skies
His name is Jesus, friend of sinners
Jesus, Jesus
Friend of mine
There is a peace that calms our fears
There is a love stronger than death
There is a hope that goes beyond the grave
There is a friend who won't let go
There is a heart that beats for you
There is one name by which we are saved
When I was captive to my fears
You were the one who came to me
You set me free
You set me free
Better is One Day
How lovely is your dwelling place
O Lord Almighty
For my soul longs and even faints for you
For here my heart is satisfied
Within your presence
I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings
Better is one day in your courts
Better is one day in your house
Better is one day in your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
One thing I ask and I would seek
To see your beauty
To find you in the place your glory dwells
My heart and flesh cry out
For you, the living God
Your spirit's water to my soul
I've tasted and I've seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to you
I will draw near to you
Meet with Me
I'm here to meet with you
Come and meet with me
I'm here to find you
Reveal yourself to me
As I wait, you make me strong
As I long, you draw me to your arms
As I stand and sing your praise
You come, you come, and you fill this place
Won't you come, won't you come, and fill this place
You are all I seek and all I know
I am satisified in you alone
I've found nothing in this world
That seems so sweet
As your presence in a life laid at your feet
And my cry
Lord my cry
Is that you are good
And that you satisfy
You are all I seek and all I am
In you I am complete, in grace I stand
When I wandered far from you
You brought me here
You've brought me to the cross
You've brought me here
My delight is your faithfulness and truth
My desire is to quench my thirst in you
We Want to See Jesus Lifted High
We want to see Jesus lifted high
A banner that flies across the land
That all men might see the truth and know
He is the way to heaven
We want to see, we want to see
We want to see Jesus lifted high
We want to see, we want to see
We want to see Jesus lifted high
Step by step, we're moving forward
Little by little, taking ground
Every prayer a powerful weapon
Strongholds come tumbling down and down and down and down
We're gonna see, we're gonna see
We're gonna see Jesus lifted high
We're gonna see, we're gonna see
We're gonna see Jesus lifted high
How Long
We have sung our songs of victory
We have prayed to you for rain
We have cried your compassion
To renew the land again
Now we're standing in your presence
More hungry than before
Now we're on your steps of mercy and we're knocking at your door
How long
Before you drench the barren land
how long
Before we see a righteous man
How long
Before your name is lifted high
How long
Before the weeping turns to songs of joy
Lord, we know your heart is broken
By the evil that you see
And you've stayed your hand of judgment
For your plan to set men free
But the land is still in darkness
And we've fled from what is right
And we've failed the silent children
Who will never see the light
But I know a day is coming
When the deaf will hear his voice
When the blind will see the savior
And the lame will leap for joy
When a widow finds a husband
Who will always love his bride
And the orphan finds a father
Who will never leave her side
How long
Before your glory lights the skies
How long
Before your radiance lifts our eyes
How long
Before your fragrance fills the air
How long
Before the earth resounds with songs of joy

Jekyll & Hyde
by Bob Hartman
Based on Rom. 7:15
I have a secret that I let nobody see
An evil shadow that's been hanging over me
My alter ego that I try to hold at bay
But despite my good intentions he can always get away
He does the things that I don't want to do
Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde
Two men are fighting a war inside
I have this secret that I let nobody see
It's like a split personality
And the one I feed is the one who lives
The one I starve will be the one who gives
He won't do things that I know I should do
Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde
Two men are fighting a war inside
One gives, one takes, I have to decide
Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde
I need somebody to rescue me
When personalities clash
I know which person I want to be
With no defiance
Just God-reliance
It's All About Who You Know
by Bob Hartman
1 John 5:20
You are tied-in and networked
You've got people to see
You have friends in high places
You've got places to be
You've got plenty of time to make your mark
You've been able to get things done
And all the white shirts will take your calls
You've really had quite a run
Who can you turn to
When your life is behind you?
It's all about who you know
It's all about who you know
When you get to the end and you've got nothing to show
It's all about who you know
It's all about who you know
You have learned how to pull strings
And call in a favor or two
You have found some ways to spend your time
Instead of with "you-know-who"
There's only one name
You can call on without blame
Some may wonder where, when if not how
There's no worry, if you know Him now
Nothing we do here below
Is gonna save us 'cause
It's all about who you know
by Bob Hartman
Based on Eph 6:13
You had a blank stare- there in your easy chair
You watch as things get out of hand
But now your eyes blink and you begin to think
Of what could happen if you stand
You think about the ground you might have lost in this round
Your eyes are open to the things that had you bound
And then you rise up from your sleep and put your foot down
You take one final grasp of air before you drown and take a
Stand - having done all this
Stand - with emphasis
Stand - no analysis
Even when you don't understand
Put your armor on
Stand on the foundation
Stand - rely upon
The strength that has always been there
And now you stand firm- but not on your own terms
We have no power all alone
But you can feel safe there with your shield of faith
The inner strength in you has grown
And when you draw your sword the enemy is fair game
We're more than conquerors in Jesus' name so take a
Stand all alone if there's no one around you
Stand on your own
Stand through the night - wait for the morning to bring you the strength
To finish the fight
Stand up tall- Stand or fall
Stand your ground - Don't stand down
Stand connected - Stand corrected
Stand in faith - Stand elected
Would'a, Should'a, Could'a
by Bob Hartman and Greg Bailey
Based on Phil 3:13-14
Life is filled with many chances
Some you took, and you some you blew
Your path in life can turn ever so quickly
On everything you say
And change with everything you do
I know that was then
There's nothing I can do about what might have been
Would'a, should'a, could'a done this and that
Don't wanna live life with another regret
Would'a, should'a, could'a made another choice
I can see more the older I get
Would'a, should'a, could'a said something more
But it's too late - there's a knock at the door
Would'a, should'a, could'a won't change a thing
The here and now is waiting
Would'a, should'a, could'a right now
We dig our pit, we make our bed
That's where we fall and where we lay
But we still have a shot to make things better
'Cause it ain't over yet
And we can get it right today
We can make the right choice
You know it's easy when you hear God's voice
I want to live my life not only thinking of the past
The future tells me that my life has not been cast
I want to say "I will, I did" instead of could or should
Gonna believe in the promise "It's all good"
Perfect World
by Bob Hartman
Based on Isaiah 65:17
Some believe this world is bound to get much better
They think utopia is just around the bend
They like humanity to come up with the answers
So they can keep their heads safely buried in the sand
This is my Father's world and He can fix it
Our hopeless band-aids are all counterfeit
In a perfect world, God's throne will come
In a perfect world, in a perfect world
In a perfect world ruled by His Son
In a perfect world, in a perfect world
Some still worship Mother Nature in her glory
They do a good thing when they stand up for her right
But Mother Nature has a Father in the heavens
And His creation went astray but never left His sight
The old will pass away and bring a new birth
A whole new heaven and a new earth
In a perfect world, in a perfect world
In a perfect world, in a perfect world
Kingdom come
His will be done
On the earth
As it is in heaven
Till we come to where there is no night
And the Lord Himself will be our light
Test of Time
by Bob Hartman
Based on Rom. 13:11
One moment gone into the past
But here and now will never last
You made the most of your design
You've walked alone
You held the line
That's when you know you've passed
The test of time
The time has come, the time has gone
The time is now, but not for long
Before you take a second glance
Redeem the time and take a chance
It's not too late to pass
The test of time
And the time is passing every moment that you take
The test of time
It's the test of choices that you have to make
It's what you're doin' and how you're livin'
It's how you're spending the time you're given
The test of time
Tomorrow is a chance that may not come
Today is still the day God gives us
To see things done
Your own test of time has begun
Time will slip away
Every moment passing by
The choices that we make will stand the test of time
Time will slip away
Every moment passing by
The choices that we make will stand the test of time
I Will Seek You
by Bob Hartman
Based on Acts 17:27
Living water - I am thirsty and dry
Bread of heaven - only You satisfy
I am waiting for Your comfort and peace
Come and fill me, let this emptiness cease
I will seek You
I will find You
I will follow what I know is true
I will seek You
Like I used to
I will worship You
You are holy, You are a wonder to me
In creation I see Your majesty
Speak to me and I will listen
(Give me the call and point the way)
Lead me on and I will follow
(Hearing Your Word I will obey)
Life As We Know It
by Bob Hartman
Based on 1 John 5:11
First He calls out
Into your darkness
He woos gently
And you have to choose
But the choice is easy
It's light and darkness
There's an invitation
You can not refuse
Revelation - when you see where you've been
Confirmation - you've been drawn again
This is life as we know it
Forgiven and free
Life as we know it
More abundantly
Born of the Son, we can finally see
This is life as we know it
One day doubting
You're walking blindly
Through shadow's darkness
You don't feel a thing
You keep on walking
Though you sometimes stumble
Till you find assurance
Only faith can bring
Never perfect, but perfectly forgiven
Finding courage to get up again
Bent, but not broken
Tempted, but not shaken
Kept in the shadow of His wing
Held by the power
Sealed with the promise
By the One who is over everything
Till Everything I Do
by Bob Hartman
Based on Col. 3:17
I could never hide away in a place that You won't see
Caught between the way I am and the way I want to be
You can take away the mask that hides the man inside
You illuminate the ways of darkness I denied
And even though You see
You keep on lifting me
Till everything I do I do for You
Through every test of faith You take me through
Till every path I take is straight and true
Till everything I do I do for You
One by one You chip away at the edges of my heart
Till You see the hardness and the willfulness depart
You let me see my pride
Then pull me to Your side
Though I grow closer to the image You intend for me
I won't be all I'm meant to be
Till face to face I see
Sacred Trust
by Bob Hartman
Based on Mark 16:15
You never tried to win more secular appeal
And water down Your message with a slightly different feel
You never tried to be politically correct
Or skirt around the issue attempting to connect
You spoke the truth in love so faithfully
You expect no less from me
It's a sacred trust that You gave to us
To take Your Word into all the world
It's a sacred trust that You gave to us
The message of salvation and Your love
You never shied away from critical debate
Or beat around the bushes when discussing human fate
You weren't ashamed to tell them who Your Father was
Never ran from persecution like human nature does
You prayed for all believers on Your knees
Then you handed us the keys
You're trusting us to be bold
The story has to be told
To every nation and tongue
Young and old
I'm gonna shout from the hill
How could I ever be still?
I'm gonna let the chips fall
Where they will
You spoke the truth in love so faithfully
You expect no less from me